Harassment & Discrimination

The company I work requires annual Harassment and Discrimination training for ALL employees. Today, I will cover some of the key points of this training for those of you who are not exposed to this information on a regular basis.
Most of us have had some experience with harassment, either as a donor or recipient. Problems arise when we don’t treat everyone the same. That’s when discrimination raises its ugly head.
Let’s say you know someone who has a cheerful attitude, a smile as wide as Texas, and is a joy to be around—they may even be easy on the eyes. This person is fun to harass, tease, and embarrass in public. They are trusting souls, gullible, and naïve. You give them a double-dose of harassment at every available opportunity.
You also know an individual who is a hateful sourpuss or a crusty old curmudgeon (like me, for instance). This person sees the black side of every silver-lined cloud and would find something to bitch about if they won a 200 million dollar lottery.
Do you frequently harass this individual?
If the answer is No, then you, my friend, are guilty of discrimination. You have just opened yourself up to possible litigation. That ornery old cuss you’ve been going out of your way to avoid could take your home, car, and all the toys in the second drawer of that nightstand by your bed.
That’s why it’s so important to receive proper training and become an Equal Opportunity Harasser. Our courts are backlogged with cases of homely spinsters suing their boss because he sexually harassed every girl in the secretarial pool except them. Don’t let this happen to you!
If you harass one—harass ‘em all. Not only is it morally and ethically the right thing to do . . . it’s the law.

2 Comments on “Harassment & Discrimination

  1. I am certain this is why Herman Cain is facing all of his harassment issues. He forgot to harass a few young ladies 12 years ago and they have not forgiven him. Now he probably can't be president because of this oversight.Let this be a valuable lesson to all the young people out there. Never forget to harass anyone, including girls, bosses, coaches, etc… It could come back to haunt you if you do.Go Huskers !!!


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