Hole-in-the-Wall Gang

This week’s Friday Flash Fiction photo is provided by Mary Shipman by way of Madison Woods   http://madisonwoods.wordpress.com/ Be sure and leave a link to your story when you comment on this one. I will be attending OWFI this Friday and Saturday and unable to reply to or visit other blogs until later in the weekend. As always, I look forward to your feedback, and thanks for stopping by.

Hole-in-the-Wall Gang

“Bang!” slammed the gavel.
“This meeting will come to order,” bellowed nine year old Chad Orton. “Brother Secretary, have we any unfinished business?”
“Yes, Mr. President.” Wally Green lowered his chin and peered over the top of his horn-rimmed glasses. “The broken plank on the south wall must be replaced. The hole permits cowans and eavesdroppers access to our secrets.”
“Very well. I appoint a committee of Steve Faubel, Billy Lang, and Rusty Hinson to secure lumber and repair the hole.
“Who will chair this group?”
“Faubel’s dad is a carpenter. Steve is hereby appointed Chairman of the Board committee.”

19 Comments on “Hole-in-the-Wall Gang

  1. Dear Russell,Brilliant wordplay at the conclusion and very evocative of many a clubhouse meeting I've attended in my perfectly spent youth.I'll leave the humor (mostly) to you. You're the master. I'm the student.Aloha,Doughttp://ironwoodwind.wordpress.com/2012/05/04/the-nerve/


  2. Hi Russell…evidently a take on your boyhood days. Hmmm..Wonder what secrets this private club kept hidden from the girly girls? Most of the Fictioneer men will relate to your story this week. Fun story as usual. Here's mine:www.triplemoonstar.blogspot.com


  3. Oh, that was darling and clever – and the Chairman of the Board was perfect. Also, I do remember using such places for secret clubs I started when I was a kid. I lived in a town with loads of abandoned houses and garages and sheds. it was a wonderland for a child = not so good for a grownup.Yours as ever,Lindaurahttp://fictionvictimtoo.blogspot.com


  4. No significance to flipping the photo, just going for a different look, but I'm glad someone caught it.


  5. Nicely done, Russell. Hope this one was a bit easier on you than previous weeks – you certainly took an entirely different tack from the rest of us and I think it paid off.


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