Medical Marvels

I know my blogging buddy, Douglas MacIlroy , was thinking of me when he sent this week’s photo to Madison Woods  for Friday Flash Fiction.  You could hear the snicker echoing across the waves all the way from his mountain-top perch in Hawaii. This one’s for you, Doug. I hope you’re still snickering when you read the last line.

The encroachment of civilization brought death and disease, decimating the tribe’s number. Their only remaining virgin was the Chief’s nine year-old daughter.
Still, the belly of the mountain grumbled, belching smoke and fire, demanding a sacrifice.
Three castaways were captured near the lagoon—a white man and two women. The Chief forced the man, a college teacher, to choose which woman would die.
“You bastard!” screamed the redhead, hurtling into the fiery pit.
The next morning snow, frigid and unforgiving as a jilted lover, covered the mountain.
The Medicine Man noted in his journal; Ginger cures mountain God’s molten reflux.

Medical Marvels

25 Comments on “Medical Marvels

  1. Ahahahahaha. This was incredibly funny. Great job cracking me up this morning. I'd link you to mine, but my phone refuses to cooperate. 🙂


  2. You're right, Mik. When it comes down to Ginger or Mary Ann it's really a no-brainer. Thanks for the kind words.


  3. Dear Russell,We're not worthy. (throw me in the volcano, too!)Kept waiting for the 'funny' and was pleasantly surprised by the end. You are the master again. I was more than snickering at the last line. I was laughing at loud (at the line, your skill and your audacity.) Well done, my friend. (And thanks for spelling my name right. That was cool.)Aloha,Doug


  4. Oh I laughed so hard at this one Russell. But I laughed even HARDER at the thought of Doug sending me this photo and snickering as he relished the thought of you making a funny out of *that one*. I'm going to be sore at the amount of laughter this has caused me! Good one.


  5. Ahhhh, hahahaha. I have to WORST reflux…and take four kinds of meds for it…and all I really need is a ginger. hahaahahaha… (sorry, not my most eloquent reply to a story)~Susan (


  6. No, I don't but wife Connie does. I'm glad you got a kick out of this one. It is extremely challenging to make something funny out of every single prompt – especially this one. Doug got a belly laugh too, and that's what I was going for 🙂


  7. You are too kind my friend. You're gracious compliments make my head swell :)MacIlroy is an old family name in our part of the country too, except without the "a". In fact, there was a McIlroy Bank on the square for 100 years, and I believe they donated the land for the University of Arkansas' first buildings.


  8. I've had several redheads respond. They would have rather seen Mary Ann get thrown in the volcano. Unfortunately, only Ginger (the spice) is known to have soothing effects on upset stomaches. Maybe next time I'll just offer them Mr. Howell's millions. 🙂


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