Where the Rubber Meets the Road

I can really relate to this week’s photo prompt from Madison Woods   http://madisonwoods.wordpress.com/  As I’ve gotten older, I’ve also become wider. (That’s right WIDER, not wiser) Some have even accused me of being full of hot air. The joke around my house is that my wife, Connie, could write “Goodyear” on my sides and rent me out to fly over sporting events and private parties. So far, I’ve not been able to overcome gravity, but I’ve got high hopes! 

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

When I was a young rubber tree, springing up on a plantation in Indonesia, I often fantasied of becoming a blimp. Not just any blimp, a genuine, bona fide Goodyear blimp.
I could imagine my milky latex sap being refined into a glorious covering for the world’s finest airship.
I would be the star attraction at the coronation of kings, the Indianapolis 500, the Super Bowl, and of course, the annual Walmart Shareholder’s meeting.
But the hands of fate are often cruel. So here I lie, used, abused, and thrown on the trash heap of life—just a soiled prophylactic.


27 Comments on “Where the Rubber Meets the Road

  1. Deara Russell,You're a cruel taskmaster for you little bit 'o' rubber. Your play on words is about three levels deep and I'm smiling once again as I dig deeper into the rubbish heap looking for more. I enjoyed your prologue to this weeks story almost as much as the story itself. Aloha,Doughttp://ironwoodwind.wordpress.com/2012/06/08/joining-a-murmuration-or-bud-cowarts-view/


  2. Russel, you have a way of seeing things, so different from others, and then it sort of skews my world as I absorb your writing. Nicely don, once again.


  3. Hysterical once again. And imaginative to the utmost. I mean, imagine being a rubber tree imagining to becoming the Goodyear Blimp! That's amazing, darn it. And good. Yours as ever,Laura, Lindaura athttp://fictionvictimtoo.blogspot.com


  4. This, Russell, is probably the funniest and cleverest Friday Fictioneer story I have ever read — though I'm not sure being an effective prophylactic isn't a more noble purpose than celebrating a Walmart shareholders meeting.


  5. I'd have to agree with you there, Carlos. I threw that line in for those of us who live in NW Arkansas and have to put up with the chaos and madness of the annual Walmart pep-rally. I've stood in my yard, waving at the blimp, begging for a ride, but they just won't stop and pick me up 😦


  6. Oops there goes another rubber tree plant! You might have called this "High Hopes" and gotten yet another level of entendre (certainly more than double). Like Carlos, I enjoyed the inclusion of the Walmart shareholders' meeting on a par with those noble sporting events where we usually see the Goodyear blimp. Very funny, indeed. Some have found mine "funny" … but I don't think so. You can read it at http://scottcheck.blogspot.com/2012/06/heist.html


  7. OMG! Well, all I can say to that is… isn't it better to be a soiled rubber than an unused or worse yet, used but unsoiled one?? Very funny as usual, Russell. I can see you had an easier time with this one. Still chuckling.


  8. That's sweet. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun and I hope your Facebook friends get a kick out of it too.


  9. Your right, Madison. It's fate could have been worse. We all hope to serve a useful purpose in this life.


  10. Russell: I hate this word..but going to use it anyhow…AWESOME !!! Chuckle time once again. Enjoyed both prologue and witty story. I envy your wife. To be married to such a delightfully, daffy person with your unusual take on life (& prompts) … must be such fun. Those last four words? Honestly…did not see them coming. LOL. Here's mine:www.triplemoonstar.blogspot.com


  11. Laughing so hard I can hardly type. Great out-side-the-box imagination. I love the POV from a rubber tree–who'd a thunk it?One of my favorites this week. Good job!Thanks for commenting on mine.


  12. What a brilliant ending to the story of one rubber tree's dream of the big time – to end up simply preventing the creation of another life instead – very amusing and made me smile 🙂


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