2pm in the Garden of Dumb & Dumber

If you stopped by this blog expecting to have your intellect stimulated—you came to the wrong place. That would be Douglas MacIlroy at http://ironwoodwind.wordpress.com/ or any other of the gifted writers that participate in Friday Flash Fiction. Mine is low-brow humor. Stop now while you’re still ahead.

This week’s story is inspired by photo courtesy of Sandra Crook (which wouldn’t upload for some reason). To read more stories, go to   http://madison-woods.com/  click on the Blog tab, and follow the links.

2pm in the Garden of Dumb & Dumber


“Gee, Lloyd, this garden clean-up is hard work.”

“You’re right, Harry. It’s nothing compared to the pool cleaning job the Temp service sent us on yesterday.”

“Yeah, can you believe those two blondes? Uma wanted me to dive in the pool and hunt for her bikini.”

“And what about Ella? She took off her top and asked me to rub sunscreen all over her body.”

 “Right, the bikini was under her towel and the sun wasn’t even shining. Only a complete moron would fall for those old tricks.”

 “Is that dog poop you’re holding, Harry?”

 “Yeah, good thing I didn’t step in it.”

30 Comments on “2pm in the Garden of Dumb & Dumber

  1. Hi again Russell,
    I see three references here, Minight In The Garden of Good and Evil, Dumb and Dumber, and a really old joke about two Eskmos who come across some poop. How you worked all of those into a flash fiction is just marvelous. And if that job cleaning job comes up again, I hope you’ll take me with you. Ron


  2. Doing humor well is definitely a talent and you have it in spades (and no, don’t dig with those spades!!) If I thought the Dumb and Dumber movies would have made me laugh this much, I would have gone. As it is, no. 🙂


  3. Very funny! I wonder if Lloyd and Harry know Kip and Dredge, but I think not. After all, Lloyd and Harry actually work (sort of). Thanks for the laughs!


  4. I like the new look (not sure how new it is, but still) and I like the story. Great last line, haha, and brings me back Jeff Daniels at his finest (who needs The Newsroom, right?)


  5. Dear Russell,

    Low brow high jinks! I love it (and Uma and Ella!) Thanks for the plug. Makes me glad I managed to cobble something together for this week. Would hate to have anyone revisit that ghastly statue. I like how you moved adroitly from the garden to the pool. Very slippery writing there.




  6. Don’t know why I keep coming back here. I could have sworn I was headed to Ironwoodwind. I must say I am deeply offended by your constant and flagrant objectifying of women. They are more than mere sexual beings. Some even cook, and sew. (Actually, I have no real proof of this but I’ve heard rumors.)


  7. You keep coming back because you are a womanizer.
    BTW -Some cook and sew, some cook so-so, and some cook what they sow. At least some say so.
    It’s the barefoot and pregnant stuff that worries me. Randy


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