Deja’vu, All Over Again

As 2012 comes to a close, it’s only fitting in keeping with my mantra of laziness and procrastination, that I be fashionably late on my final Friday Flash Fictioneer post of the year.

This week’s photo prompt, featuring her beautiful stained glass work, is courtesy of Jean Hayes. To read more stories visit “Rockette” Wisoff-Fields blog and click on the little blue InLinz critter.


He felt like he’d been pummeled by a herd of reindeer. Halloween to New Year’s was a blur of parties, parades, shopping, and feasts. Aliens had failed to abduct him, world peace was elusive, and even attempts to pick up additional bad habits failed miserably. “Time to get a new bucket,” he sighed.


Lost in a depressive state of holiday lag, he sipped coffee and waited for ‘the next big thing.’

A sunbeam burst through the cut glass above the doorway, spraying a rainbow over his wife. “It’s time to get back on our diet,” she said.


“Yeah . . . I know.”


14 Comments on “Deja’vu, All Over Again

  1. Dear Rollick,
    As always I enjoyed your story. Although this is humorous, as one reading it through holiday lagged eyes, there’s a lot of pathos layered between the lines. “…world peace was elusive…”
    I never make New Years resolutions because they come under the heading of promises I can’t keep. Good luck on the new bucket.
    Psst-there’s no ‘e’ in Hays.


  2. I love the “attempts to pick up additional bad habits failed miserably.” You can always resort to a diet again. That blasted diet. I really loved this one. It was worth the wait. Psst…I didn’t even write one today. I think I’m just a reader this week.


  3. denial of the obvious. the elephant in the room. not seeing what we’re all seeing. the list continues. and we’ve all dealt with it. not all. most. well done.


  4. Dear Russell,

    I loved you ‘It’s All About Me’ cat story from last week. There, got that out of the way.

    As for this week’s story, let me tell you that this is the last time this year that I’m going to write anything good about one of your stories. It was good. There, got that out of the way.

    Happy New Year, buddy. Good luck with those resolutions. I’m still working on breaking o all of my last year’s resolutions.




  5. Diet? Oh yeah, I remember those… someday soon I guess. You captured the mood in this house that’s for sure; nice one Russell.


  6. I love this line “Aliens had failed to abduct him, world peace was elusive, and even attempts to pick up additional bad habits failed miserably.” If you are ever in New York I can help you out with picking up a few bad habits and maybe even get an alien to abduct you but when it comes to world peace I am sorry you are on your own. Nice Job.



  7. Fine flash Russell. And thanks for the reminder without my having to look in the mirror at the holiday-stuffed lump that resembles my once svelte self.


    • Why wait for Fat Tuesday? Let’s gorge tonight and begin the prison-camp starvation diet tomorrow. Maybe by February 2nd this groundhog will see a slightly slimmer shadow (say that three times real fast).


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