Criminal Mimes

I have a blog buddy in NYC who often volunteers to usher at theaters. The primary perk being that she gets to see a lot of great performances (and occasionally a bad one) absolutely FREE. One of the reasons I enjoy her blog is that she shares her theater experience, including the interaction with obnoxious idiots, with her readers. She also takes us on excursions around the city to show us statues that pigeons have crapped on, fascinating architecture, and favorite local watering holes.

The last time I exposed myself to art, I was arrested for indecent exposure and destruction of public property. Who knew that a 300 yr. old marble statue could laugh? When I threw open my trench coat in front of the sculpture it cracked up—literally. I’m just glad the Mona Lisa wasn’t there. They’d still be trying to get that toothy grin off her face.

If you are new to Friday Flash Fictions, the curator of Literary Art is the esteemed  Claudette Wisoff-Fields. To learn how to participate in this weekly exercise in madness mosey on over to her blog for instructions. After which, scroll down to the blue In links critter and follow the links to other author’s blogs.

copyright Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
copyright Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


Lucinda unlocked the back door and entered the kitchen. The furnishings had been rearranged and the oil lamps were burning. An eerie glow filled the room.

She took a quick inventory of her belongings. The only thing missing was a large invisible box she kept next to the refrigerator. Who would steal that?

The police dispatched Detective Lowry to investigate the crime. He checked for fingerprints. They must have worn gloves. After taking Lucinda’s statement he started to leave, then noticed a white smudge on the mirror. It was face-paint.

“Damn those mimes,” he muttered. “I should have known.”

47 Comments on “Criminal Mimes

  1. 😆 The ‘invisible’ box is missing. Must be some cracker jack detectives. Nice tie in with the mimes. Creative story for the photo prompt. My second job as a young 18 year old was in the movie theater. That was a fun job.


    • Yeah, it’s easier to squeeze blood out of turnip than to get information out of a mime. But they are great at charades.


  2. I’m pretty sure that I’ve tripped over that invisible box a time or two after visiting my favorite watering hole. I’ll now remember to blame the mimes for putting it there. Thanks for the shout out Russell!


  3. Russell you had me at the invisible box..must admit my eyebrow lifted and head was tilted..but you had me there till the end, one word sounds like… dove


  4. Clever and funny is good. Well done – I don’t know where you get your ideas from but you manage something different every week.


  5. You got me with this one, for a moment I thought it was going to be a serious story. I should have known better! You had me laughing out loud at the last line. 🙂


  6. How do you come up with these things?
    Your intro had me laughing already before I got to the main story.
    You are a star Russell 🙂


  7. Hi Russell,
    A mime stealing an invisible box. That happens to me all the time. In fact, most of my most valuable possessions are invisible. I get in trouble when I wear my invisible tux. And I’m rich in invisible money, but it’s impossible to spend it. This story was out of the box, way out. Ron


  8. The only thing missing was an invisible box – Russell, this is my new favourite line from you. I’m still giggling!


  9. Another gem from Russell. I enjoyed Ron’s comments re. the invisible money. I’m a late-comer to FF this week. Still learning how to navigate WordPress.


  10. Gotta love a mime who barely leaves a trace.
    I’m really enjoying reading as well as writing for ‘Friday Fictioneers’.


  11. I’m just now getting time to get back to Friday Fictioneers, and I have two past weeks to catch up on. So I’ve just read this today. It is HILARIOUS, Russell! Great job. Almost no one writes this kind of humor these days — pieces that are created just because they’re such darn fun and for no other reason. You do it very well.


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