Music from Little Pink

Those of you from the Baby Boomer generation may remember of an album entitled “Music From Big Pink” by The Band.  It was recorded in the basement of a rental in West Saugerties, New York.  The most popular track on this album was The Weight, which topped out at #63 on the American charts and #21 in the UK. This song’s popularity was partially due to its inclusion in the movie Easy Rider.

What you’re about to learn is the story of two lesser known musicians who attempted to emulate The Band’s success  by recording their own album  in a renovated outhouse near Stony Point, Virginia.

If you’re new to Friday Flash Fiction, the conductor of our orchestra of story weavers is Roberta Zimmerman Wisoff-Fields.  If you’d like to participate in this exercise in madness, head over to her blog for step-by-step instructions. To view the FFF  Hollywood Squares Authors Block click here.

copyright - Dawn Landau
copyright – Dawn Landau

Zeke and Virgil spent all morning mixing paint. Pink was hard to come by in their neck of the woods, but a tablespoon of fire-engine red in a gallon of white had rendered a such nauseating color that even the makers of Pepto Bismol were green with envy.

They slopped two coats on their new “studio” and broke for lunch.

“What does Levon mean when he sangs ‘take a load off Fanny?’” asked Zeke.

“Fanny means your butt, dumbass.” Virgil mumbled between mouthfuls of pinto beans and raw onion.

The boys listened to the playback of their first recording and flicked their Bics in enthusiastic approval.

A small cassette player was found miles from the explosion. Flatulence in A minor, written on the tape.

41 Comments on “Music from Little Pink

  1. “such nauseating color that even the makers of Pepto Bismol were green with envy.” Wow. Just wow. You have outdone yourself, my friend.


    • Thanks, Danny. My original ending for that line was “blushing with pride,” but I thought green went better with nauseating.


  2. That was explosively witty, Russell. A descendant of Zeke or Virgil was riding on my train when I was commuting to The Grind Thursday morning. The aroma they emitted was so noxious I nearly keeled over. I wish I could have sniffed Pepto just counterbalance the rank odor filling the train.


    • I think that calls for a little Lame Adventure vengence. Load up on sweet potatoes and broccoli. I bet you can have Virgil Jr. gagging all the way to the next stop.


  3. LOL perhaps it should have been “Flatulence in A Major”. Russell, your imagination is as boundless as the ocean! Roberta would be proud of you 😀


    • You’re probably right, Lyn. I’m sure they hit every note in the major scales, including some you’d never want to hear again.


  4. We were on the same track this week, only different rock groups. Personally I always thought Zeke and Virgil would be the new Beatles especially after I heard their “White Redneck” album, but …. go figure!


  5. I was already laughing at your title. i don’t think you even needed a story this time. YOu could have had the worlds shortest Flash Fiction! Music From Little Pink says it all.


  6. OMG! Russell! There’s so much to love about this! I’m torn between “makers of Pepto Bismal were green with envy” or “flicked their bics in enthusiastic approval” Both equally brilliant, I’ve decided.


  7. The boys should have ingested the original PB pink liquid instead of using a look-alike color to cover the walls–although, then there would have been no “hit” recording. A veritable masterpiece of creative thinking, Russell, suitable for a Caribbean Comfort Station.


  8. Hi Russell,
    I bet you’d like this book about The Band called Music From Big Pink by John Niven. He was their drug dealer during the period you mention. It’s at the Fayetteville Public Library if you’d like to give it a read. Ron


  9. Russell – you amaze me! Very funny and we had 4 boys with me fixing red beans & rice many times, plus bean soup. I will wake up laughing tonight at your story – it IS funny! Thanks, Nan


  10. Ha! That was a blast, Russell. I thought that was another rocket launch at Wallops Island.


  11. From the start I was scrutinizing your narrative for mistakes; calling the state of Virginia my home for the past 30 years has made me defensive. I’m gonna let the pinto beans with raw onion slide, figuring you had to cut out “and mustard” to trim it to 100. The rest seems plausibly accurate.


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