Lost in the Hood

It’s good to be back for Friday Flash Fiction—the place where even guys like me and Cooter (not exactly giants in the literary world) can post 100 word stories without being completely and totally ignored.

I’ve spent most of the last week in a back-n-forth editing session with Pen-L Publishing. This means I actually I had to read my own book. Fortunately, I have a short-term memory so most of the stories were new to me. I kept shaking my head while reading, thinking “Boy, the guy who wrote this must be insane.” I should have known, my cousin, Jerry, warned me that the author was, in his words, “certifiable.”

If you’re new to Friday Flash Fiction, the woodland nymph in charge of selecting our weekly photo prompt is C’est la vie Wisoff-Fields. If you’d like to participate in this exercise in madness, head over to her blog for step-by-step instructions. To view the FFF Hollywood Squares Authors Block click here.

copyright - John Nixon
copyright – John Nixon

Katherine was an enigma. Quiet and reserved, she preferred to glide among the shadows rather than follow the woodland path that led her ancestors to glory. The last thing she wanted was celebrity status, yet the paparazzi stalked her relentlessly. Even here in the forest it was hard to escape the glaring view of the telescopic lens.

Sometimes she wished she could change her surname. But what good would that do? The expectation of greatness hung like an albatross around her neck.

Damn great-grandpa Robin, and damn aunt Little Red Riding. Why did I have to be born a Hood?

41 Comments on “Lost in the Hood

  1. This one is really great, Russell! The opening line is wonderful, and pulls the reader right in. Congrats on the book… there are worse things to have to spend your time doing, than working with publishers! Much worse. Mazel!


  2. Maybe she should take up archery…and practice on rhe paparazzi 🙂

    Great story, and glad to hear your book is progressing nicely!


  3. Congratulations, Russell, on the progress of your book. Another hilarious story. She better stay in the woods. The wolves in Hollywood are probably worse than the ones there.


  4. Great story Russell, just loved your take on the prompt, still smiling. I also chuckled at your intro, almost a story in itself!
    Congratulations on your book too.


  5. Dear Grandpa Hood(wink),

    I can’t wait to have my own autographed copy of your book. As for Katherine, perhaps she could be Little Camouflage Hood to evade the Paparazzi. Just a thought. As always you’ve made me laugh.


    C’est le Vie


  6. If she has sons —- watch out for what they might be known as!
    Good to see you back and all the best on the book!


  7. Just for a moment (only a moment you understand) I thought ‘Russell’s doing a serious one this week’. I should have known better. 🙂


  8. Pretty much I manage to post 100 word stories and still be completely and totally ignored. It’s a rare talent but frankly we cooters can do just about anything! Love the hood concept here; I myself have most often been compared to Darla Hood of the Little Rascals. Go nail that book, dude!


    • Dear Cooter,
      That Darla was a real cutie, and frankly I can’t see the resemblance. I don’t remember her with a receding hairline and a 5 o’clock shadow, but hey, my eyes are not as good as they once were. Hang in there, Sunshine.


  9. That was very inspired tale telling, Russell! I looked at that picture and couldn’t tell the forest from the trees. Glad to hear that you’re nearing the finish line with your opus. I’m looking forward to getting my copy.


  10. Hi Russell,
    Exciting that your book is in the publishing pipeline. It should provide a basis for having you declared legally insane. As for the hood family, I think Katherine should find a nice wolf and settle down. Ron


  11. As Connie and attest when she goes to court – she can hold your book up and say Exhibit “A” your Honor. The story this week is as clever as always! Love Robin & Little Red Riding! And the fact that she glides makes it perfect! Great Story! Nan 🙂


  12. Such a tightly knit tale and clever as always! I’m so excited for you and your book. That’s wonderful. Congrats, Russell!


  13. little miss katherine needs to stop fretting about the past and get on with her present and future. she can’t see the forest through the trees. good luck to her. well done.


  14. Love the floaty nature of the first paragraph. Hope Katherine can rise above that difficult surname.


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