Frosty the Fireball (reprise)

I’ve always wanted to use the name Madge in a story. Thanks to our lovely host and her intriguing photo, I finally get my chance. Some of you may remember Madge as the beautician who soaked client’s fingers in Palmolive dishwashing detergent to make them soft as a baby’s ear (or was it a lower region?).

 No palms or olives were injured in the fabrication of this installment from November 2012.

If you’re new to Friday Flash Fiction, the dream weaver who can teach you how to transform passing fancies into 100 word stories is Madge N. Nation Wisoff-Fields. If you’re up for the challenge, visit her site and follow the step-by-step instructions. To view the writers in FFF  Hollywood Squares Authors Block click here.

copyright - Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
copyright – Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

(phone rings)

“Good morning, Irma, it’s Flossie. Do you know what’s going on with Madge?”

“No. Is she all right?”

“I think she’s having an affair. She wouldn’t talk on the phone, so I went over there. She kept looking at her watch and practically shoved me out the door at 3 o’clock. Minutes later, a gray-haired man arrived and stayed for four hours.”

“That must be Paul. What else did you see?”

“Not much, her windows fogged over. He looks twice her age.”

“Well, Madge told me, ‘Just because there’s frost on the roof doesn’t mean the fire’s gone out.’”


41 Comments on “Frosty the Fireball (reprise)

  1. Oh dear, I wondered what old Madge had been up to. She’s been missing in action for so long. Now I know that she’s been otherwise occupied – and I must say I’m sure she’s having more fun now than in her previous incarnation. So funny, Russell, as usual. I might add that I’m surprised you had this ad in America. The Madge we knew was very Aussie – I wonder how many Madges there really were??


    • Yes, it appears Madge found something to entertain herself with other than dishwashing detergent. The good news for Paul is that he can rest assured she has soft hands. I guess it’s a good thing they fogged up the windows, Flossie might have tried to film them with her iPhone.

      I assume there were Eskimo Madges, Japanese Madges, Russian Madges, and even Watusi Madges. Though I be shocked to find there was ever a Muslim Madge.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Badda-BING!
    Four hours …??? Man! Most of that time must have been spent just walking into the living room. Makes me wonder how much B.T.U. he really put out. Hedge has been the foreword of choice for that. It sparks a lot, but it keeps ya warm.

    For this, Russell, five out of five sawed logs.


  3. That should be “firewood” not “foreword.” I’m one of those who likes to proofread after I send. 😀


  4. Madge and Paul, lucky I did not visit, steamed windows, well who would have believed it.😀


    • Perhaps he was helping her shampoo the carpet, who knows? You can’t believe everything you hear from Flossie and Irma.


  5. Apparently in that neighborhood, steamed up windows are a prerequisite just to keep the busybodies from spying on you. I’d admire Flossie’s determination to stake out the place for four hours. That is a true dedication to gossip.


  6. Dear Oscar,

    Madge knows how to keep the home fires burning. It’s not all about dish soap and manicures. You go girl! This was a fun revisitation.


    Madge N. Nation 😀


    • You know what they say–cleanliness is next to cleavage (at least in the dictionary). The world needs more Madges.


  7. That was first written in 2012. I wonder if they’re still “steaming up the windows”. I guess we don’t have to worry about Madge ever being lonely. She’s probably feeding him and washing those dishes as well. Hilarious, Russell. We can all tell your wit is still going strong as well. 😀 — Suzanne


  8. Madge Australian, Madge American…Ridiculous! She’s a true Brit!
    Glad she’s still out there in fiction land, having some fun.


  9. Oh, that Madge is a wild one, Russell. I bet she was just pushing her out the door at 3:00. Hey, she’s got to have her fun and obviously has her private life. I loved how you ended it.


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