Location, Location, Location

It’s “Back to School” time in our neck of the woods this week, which means that sometime in the next two to three weeks, school administrators will send the little rug rats home with some type of sign-up sheet known as a fundraiser.

The idea is that the captive sales force (primarily the parents) will strong-arm friends, family, and co-workers into spending $16 for 4-ounces of cookie dough or $12 for a shoebox of stale, cheese-flavored popcorn. Where the profit goes is anybody’s guess. The child whose family sells the most gets a plastic gold star, and the principal whose school raises the most money gets a new Lexus. Everybody wins!

If you are new to Friday Flash Fiction, the queen bee of our hive is the lovely and talented, Flying Wallenda Wisoff-Fields. To learn how to participate in this weekly exercise in madness, head over to her blog for instructions. To view the writers in FFF Hollywood Squares Authors Nest click here.

copyright - Janet Webb
copyright – Janet Webb

“Folks, this is the little starter home I told you about. It was built in 2012, features several compartments for a growing family, has numerous flower gardens nearby filled with juicy caterpillars, and is only a short flight from the entertainment district.”

“I don’t know,” said Wanda. “I was hoping for something with more of a view.”

“Just look at this rock work, Ma’am. Beautiful, smooth, shiny stones, and running water just outside your door.”

“Are there many humans nearby?” asked Warren.

“Yes, only two minutes from a golf course.”

“What do you think, Wanda?”

“Perfect. We’ll take it.”


21 Comments on “Location, Location, Location

  1. Heh, I hope they didn’t fall into a real estate trap with the running water. Fun take, love the conversation (and the intro).


  2. Dear Warren,

    I love the intro and I can relate. I suppose it’s only fair that we buy from the little varmints. We once foisted our own offspring on the unsuspecting neighbors. 😉

    As for the new house. It sounds like a sting operation to me.


    Flying Wallenda.


    • Dear Flying Wallenda,

      You’re right about the kiddie fundraisers. What went around years ago came back with a vengeance. Sometimes I just make a donation and tell them to keep their 4 ounces of cookie dough.

      The new house certain creates a lot of sting opportunities for the golfers.

      Happy flying,


  3. The promise of some nice juicy golfers swung it for Wanda. Who needs a view? Thanks for the chuckles, Russell – as usual.


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