The Cereal Killer

Next Wednesday, September 12th, I’ll be attending a workshop entitled “How to Write Humor.” This event is sponsored by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, more commonly known as OLLI. According to their course catalog, attendees are supposed to learn how to create characters with strong comedic perspectives, and how exaggeration and illogical comparisons are used to make things funny.

The course lasts for two hours and students will be provided worksheets to help them develop their own comic characters and tips on creating a story premise that keeps the audience in stitches. I hope to learn something useful from this class—after all, I am the instructor.

If you’re new to Friday Flash Fiction, the classroom sketch artist who draws caricatures of the speakers during their presentations, is Allie Hirshfeld Wisoff-Fields.If you’d like to participate in this exercise of madness, head over to her blog for step-by-step instructions. To view the ensemble of practicing fic-titioners in the writers in FFF Hollywood Squares Authors Block click here.

copyright – Gah Learner

The house on Snipe Lane made her fourth hit. She was starting to get quite a collection of Do-Not-Remove tags from the mattresses and furniture of the finest homes in Belton. Now, she had a container to display them in. The invisible box.

Her only complaint about today’s caper was the time and effort required to kill the Shredded Wheat. The box was almost full and it took a half-gallon of milk to drown the gurgling before it gave up the ghost and became listless beneath the stabbing of her spoon.

Shelley smiled. A good cereal dies a thousand deaths.

*the above is a snippet from Criminal Mimes



62 Comments on “The Cereal Killer

  1. Dear Silly Biskits,

    A stirring story of the purple crested cereal killer. For Shelley’s next act, she’ll take the snap out of crackle and pop. Buahahahaha!
    I have to share this video sent to me for my birthday.

    Now where was I? Oh yes…counting the tags before hiding my invisible box.


    Allie Hirshfeld W(T)F

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Allie Hirshfeld W(T)F,

      I’m sure there are millions boxes of cereal hiding in their cupboards right now praying that Shelley doesn’t find them. It must be horrible to be bludgeoned by a mime and then devoured. At least there won’t be any loud smacking.
      Enjoyed the video. All that crew needed was an invisible box.

      Let’s hope you don’t have more tags than fingers and toes.
      Silly Biskits

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The crimes escalated quickly in this piece. 😂 Sounds like the workshop will be fun! You had me all the way to the end of that bit. You’ll be great as the instructor.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. No cereal is safe while she’s out there! I just checked and our mattress tag is still on, its chastity still intact. I need a new security system. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  4. What I want to know is why she had to kill the Shredded Wheat. Did she really think it would talk? I mean come on… there’s not a shred of evidence that it would…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Shredded Wheat needs to be shredded! Blech. I’m surprised a Metal band hasn’t been named Shredded Wheat.

    Where is this workshop happening? I googled OLLI and I found so many places connected to it. Never heard of it before. Thanks for mentioning it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree. It would make a good name for a band.
      The workshop is in Fayetteville, Arkansas. From what I gather, many major universities have OLLI Chapters. They offer a lot of interesting classes along with hikes and other outdoor activities.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Those Shredded Wheat are tenacious little things, hard to get rid of.
    Hope you’re class goes well and you go home with lots of pats on the back, as well as whole load of new ideas to steal. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Shredded Wheat is definitely stubborn. Personally, I can’t choke the stuff down.
      I hope to send the attendees home with loads of new ideas on how they can make their writing better–and funnier. We’ll see how it goes.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. This is the most violent account of cereal murder I’ve ever read (nope, I won’t tell ya how many I’ve read). 😄
    Have fun at the workshop, with you being the instructor and all.


  8. I want to see the syllabus. I can use a little help. I’ll bring you an apple for the teacher!


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