Sea Shore Entrepreneur

Has your spouse ever complained that you were only “half-listening?” Not mine. Connie says, straight up and without any hesitation, “You didn’t hear a word I said, did you?”

Most of the time she’s right, but occasionally I can repeat what she said verbatim. This seems to irritate more than if I’d never heard the words at all. “Then why didn’t you respond?” she asks.

I thought it was a rhetorical question,” I reply. Which only adds gas to the fire. How you keep the lines spousal communication open?

If you’re new to Friday Flash Fiction, our curator of 100 word stories is Shelley Van Gogh Wisoff-Fields. If you’d like to participate in this exercise of madness, head over to her blog for step-by-step instructions. To view the ensemble of practicing fic-titioners in the writers in FFF Hollywood Squares Authors Block click here.

copyright – Sandra Crook

It had been a slow day for Susie. Most potential customers breezed right by her booth. Occasionally, one would stop to ooh and aah over her seashells, but didn’t spend a dime. Scratchers & Farters, cousin Klint called them.

In hopes of making a sale, she incorporated her sister Shelley into the display. Shelley put on quite a show, mimicking seahorses, dolphins, and even a mermaid.

“Hey, Mister,” Susie called to a passer by. “Would you be interested in a real live oceanic impressionist—my sister the mime?”

“Sorry Susie, sister Shelley is a sad substitute for seashore souvenir.


52 Comments on “Sea Shore Entrepreneur

  1. Susie sells seashells and sister Susie on the seashore. Something like that, I was only half-reading, similar to half-listening. I spend a lot of my life doing things by halves.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. So very clever. I had to repeat that last line several times, just to be sure I could. And yes, I understand Connie’s problem. My husband has no compunction about asking me to repeat almost everything I say, whilst being outraged when I say “did you hear me?”.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Dear Klint Miracle Ear,

    He who hears half or less. Perhaps Connie should paint her face white and mime for your attention. A bull horn might help. But that probably won’t do anything for your selected attention deficit. Ah well, I do mime even if you don’t mime. Now where did I misplace my invisible box. Sister Susie most likely sold it with her seashells and sand dollars on a starry starry night. Twisting my tongue in other directions.


    Shelley Van Gogh W(T)F

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Shelley Van Gogh W(T)F,

      I doublt the white face paint would help, but it would sure cover those bulging veins in her throat. Amazing as it seems, I can always hear when she says, “Dinner’s ready!”

      That sister Susie is a scrupulous seller of seashore samples.

      I hope you got half of that,
      Klint Miracle Ear

      Liked by 1 person

    • Nah, this is unrelated to the mime’s crime, although it is the same mime, just starring in a new misadventure.
      Just try reading every other word, Penny. Maybe it’ll make more sense that way.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. perhaps if she’s dressed in a grass skirt and dances the hula to the tune of pearly shells like the woman in this video, there’ll be interest. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I’m trying to imagine your delectable mime artist, rising like Botticelli’s Venus from the shell stall – wow, what a picture! And still no takers? Folks just don’t know art when they see it. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Living by the seashore life can be a beach. But I am impressed by her attempt to get strangers shell out money for her sister.

    My absent mindedness is now getting acknowledged as a real condition. I demand that the women in my house (daughters can be bossier) give all requests in writing, otherwise I (the man who knows vast amount of obscure trivia) will not remember. Suffering spouses seldom speak sparking scoldings.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Poor Susie, not being able to sell her shells or her sister, she’s really having a slow day. Maybe renting Shelley to explain all those half-heard/ half-missed conversations of the scratchers and farters might be more profitable.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. So that’s where the silly sea shore saying comes from. Since I started writing, my husband gets a little half listening now. Added in is aging and my hearing loss, or at least it’s a good excuse. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi again, I was reading “Sometimes the Magic Works: Lessons from a Writing Life” by Terry Brooks and thought of you and your quandary. “There is never a moment when I am not involved in thinking about writing. I can’t put it out of my mind entirely, even in the most trying of circumstances. You might as well ask me to stop breathing; thinking about my writing is as much a function of my life. So, when my family and friends discover I am not listening to them or they catch me staring off into space, I can’t do a thing about it, because that’s just the way I am. It is the way all writers are …” See! Now, you have an excuse! =)

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I find myself thinking about writing most of the time too. Sometimes I observe something happening, or overhear a line in conversation, and wonder how I could use those pieces in a future story. I know several writers who carry small notebooks to jot dot such items. I’d probably forget where I laid my notebook. 🙂


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