Hand Me My Top Hat

Rubber boots and slickers are standard daily attire in my neck of the woods these days. It seems we’re in the middle of a winter monsoon, and I’m wondering if I should’ve started building an ark months ago.

Connie asked me yesterday about the snakes. Did they crawl from their dens and seek higher ground? I assured her they’ve sought refuge in our wood pile and probably the warm, dry confines of the building she converted into her arts & crafts studio.

I doubt she found any consolation in my words of comfort. After all, she’s afraid of snakes and wouldn’t welcome any on the ark.

If you’re new to Friday Flash Fiction, the slippery serpent of Belton, who dangles a tempting apple from her pool of photo prompts each week, is Roshanna Weeble Wisoff-Fields. If you’d like to participate in this exercise in madness, head over to her blog for step-by-step instructions. To view the FFF Hollywood Squares Authors Block click here.

copyright – Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
Blockson stared out the unlocked back door, the likely escape route of Le Petite Velouse. Dusting for prints would be a waste of time.
The furniture, pillows, and mattress had all been freed from their Do-Not-Remove tags in some twisted act of ritual cleansing.
Her standard M.O. followed to the letter—a dirty bowl in the sink, an empty bran cereal box, and her trademark smudge of white face paint tarnished the mirror above a naked mannequin head.
This time she’d taken something valuable. The beaver-fur top hat worn by Harpo Marx in Duck Soup.
Too bad Lowry wasn’t here.

32 Comments on “Hand Me My Top Hat

    • No, but I research L.S. Lowry and found him to be an interesting man. Too bad he had such an awful childhood, and apparently a sad and tortured life.

      The Lowry in my tale is Detective Colton Lowry of the Belton, Missouri police force. The villian is the evil mime, Le Petite Velouse (based entirely on our FFF Fairy Blogmother). When the book is finished, I hope to launch it in the town of Belton to make the residents aware of the danger that lurks in their sleepy little hamlet.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Dear Cyrano Blockson,

    You can ask Harpo, but he’s not talking, neither is Le Petite Velouse. Invisible boxes hide no tails. It’s all white here in Belton, ie the snow cometh from the sky in huge flakes. Have a quality day…buahahahahah.


    Roshanna Weeble W(T)F

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Roshanna Weeble W(T)F,

      We’re not expecting a confession from either of them. Lowry should be able to squeeze something out of Shelley Kohlen, but with a last name like that, no one can predict what it may be.

      You can keep the ice and snow. It’s stopped raining here–at least for the moment.
      Cryano Blockson

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Gah! Snakes! Hate the critters, and I don’t care how helpful they are eating mice and such. Ew. Shudder.

    Okay, I feel better now. Fun story, as usual. Always nice to see your red-nosed face 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I can’t say I’d be any happier than Connie to worry those slivery varments can be lurking in her workshop!

    As for Le Petite Velouse… Blockson needs to find Lowry (not that he has been successful thus far…)

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Velouse is an interesting word, here it means a bicycle (vélo) built in Toulouse.
    Go figure.
    And, admittedly from a standpoint of empirical ignorance, I think that ‘Petite Velouse’ should be preceded by the definite article ‘La’ rather than ‘Le’.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Interesting. What I was going for was a French expression meaning “The Little Thief”
      I was hoping the Canuck would guide me in the right direction, but you know how those Canadians are.


  5. Pingback: Ten Terrific Titles | The Diligent Dilettante

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