Charlie Chan at the FFF Circus

For centuries, man has attempted to modify nature by crossbreeding different plants and animals of similar species. Sometimes the results have been successful and at other times a total disaster.

Oranges are a hybrid fruit, traced back to a cross breed between a pomelo and mandarin. Mules are also a classic example of successful crossbreeding. 

But the worst example of genetics gone awry is the Spork. Sure, these two sleep together in the same silverware drawer, but that’s no reason to force them to have sex. It’s wrong. It’s unnatural. And just plain perverted. What’s next, Spork porn?

If you’re new to Friday Flash Fiction, the munchkin who oversees this virtual circus is Olive Brasso Wisoff-Fields. If you’d like to participate in this exercise in madness, head over to her blog for step-by-step instructions. To view the FFF Hollywood Squares Authors Block click here.

copyright – Brenda Cox
Charlie and his family receive free tickets to the Crook & Kelly Circus from Cassandra Crook who wants him to investigate the death of trapeze artist, Jennifer Fly. 
The investigation uncovers a love-triangle between Fly, Penny, the sword swallower, and Trent Lo, the lion tamer. Was jealousy the motive?
Later, Charlie learns Wadsworth Ayr, the snake charmer, had the hots for Ms. Fly, who repeatedly spurned his advances.
To further complicate matters, someone sabotaged the cotton candy machine and destroyed the popcorn serving bags.
The only clues are a sticky can of insecticide, popcorn crumbs, and a giant flyswatter.

32 Comments on “Charlie Chan at the FFF Circus

  1. Dear Emmett Gee Whiz Kelly,

    Quite the mystery. Although I suspect Mr. Ayr. He had motive and is well known for his violent temper and sinister nature. 😉 That’s what happens when the clowns run the circus. Eh?


    Olive Brasno W(T)F

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Olive Brasno W(T)F,

      While Ayr is the obvious choice, it’s too easy. I suspect someone is trying to frame him. But who?
      Could it be the bearded woman who’s tired of his cruel jokes and sexual innuendos? Charlie may have to call in Colton Lowry to help with this case.

      Emmett Take-a-whiz Kelly

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Trent Lo,

      So, you confess to jamming the cotton candy machine with sporks. How devious. But why, oh why, did you cut the bottoms out of all the popcorn bags? The children look so sad holding empty paper sleeves.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The killer is Russell Gayer! Very clever of him to plant clues that lead in every which way except to him. I hope that great detective Blockson will be picking him up soon. Another case successfully solved!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Much more clever than I’m capable of.
      That Blockson is always nosing around somewhere (and I mean that literally). His beak makes Jimmy Durante’s nose look like a pimple.


    • I didn’t expect you to confess, but don’t worry, you’re not under oath. However, there are a lot of suspicious activities going on inside that circus tent.


  3. It’s the revenge of the Sporks. They genetically manipulated the popcorn and fed it to Jennifer who then turned into a giant fly. The others had no choice than to do battle with insecticide and the fly swatter. Then they cut the bags of popcorn open to preven the children from turning into more giant flies. There. Case closed.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s a fair cop, guv, it was me what done it!
    Y’see, BigNose, the Mime fed the popcorn to my cobra, who ate the Fly, then the lying, I mean Lion, dude gave her a spider which of course wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her.
    So I had no choice, see, it wuz me or them, and there ain’t nobody gonna push around Wadsworth (really, Wadsworth?) Ayr, okay?
    But you’ll never take me alive, copper!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m not buying your confession, Wadsworth (yes, really) Ayr. The only part that sounds legit is the spider wriggling and jiggling and tickling inside her (I’ve read that story to my grandchildren many times).
      I think you’re covering for somebody. Probably than sneaky little mime with the purple beret. What does she have on you? If you won’t talk maybe your snake will. We’ll get to the bottom of this yet.


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