Dirty Business

The other day I decided to purge some old files from my computer.  Right-clicking on the unwanted files, I selected “move to trash” from the dropdown menu.  Soon the mini dumpster in the bottom corner of my screen was overflowing with electronic garbage, so I clicked the “empty trash” button.

I have no idea where these trashed files go, but it stands to reason they wind up in an electronic landfill somewhere in cyberspace.  Once there, they join the millions of decaying spam emails and rotting recipes for failed fruitcake.  The stench is so overwhelming the cyber maggots must wear tiny nose clips.

According to the geeks at Tom’s Thumb Drives, the rising effluvia is creating a nebula of smog and threatening to choke the giant storage repository known as “The Cloud.”  If that happens, we’re all in for a cyber storm of epic proportions.  Better keep an umbrella and raincoat handy.

If you’re new to Friday Flash Fiction, the tiny entrepreneur who is wanted for income tax evasion in seven galaxies is Marva the Martian Wisoff-Fields. If you’d like to participate in this exercise in madness, head over to her blog for step-by-step instructions. To view the FFF Hollywood Squares Authors Block click here.

copyright – Na’ama Yehuda

Arriving at the police station, Lowry helped Shelley from the car and led her down a long, dimly lit hallway. 

They stopped in front of a desk where a burly uniformed officer peered over his glasses at a computer screen. He looked up, studied Shelley from head to toe, and flashed a sly grin.

“It’s about time you brought one in decked out in full mime regalia. What did this one do Lowry, get into a yelling match with a parking meter?”

“Nah, even worse,” Lowry deadpanned. “She was arguing with a statue over who could collect the most pigeons.”

41 Comments on “Dirty Business

  1. Russell! Haven’t seen you for a while. I hope all’s well.
    Your characters gave me a giggle after a couple of heavy stories so thank you. I want to know though – who won?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Glad it gave you a giggle. Shelley (aka Rochelle) won. The bad news is all the dry cleaners in Belton are refusing to clean her mime costume now that it’s saturated in Pigeon poo.


  2. You don’t stop by often, but when you do, you make it worth our while! I don’t even what to think of the repercussions of that cyber storm.
    As for poor Shelley… that is most unfortunate!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dear Adam Up,

    Shelley’s due for a new outfit anyway. Something with style and vertical stripes to make her look taller. A statue is hard to win an argument with. It’s difficult to penetrate that stony expression. I notice Lowry still didn’t catch her with the invisible box or DNR tags. Coises foiled again.
    I admit I laughed until I stopped.


    Marva the Martian W(T)F

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Marva the Martian W(T)F,

      Sooner or later a prompt will come along where the recovery of the invisible box and stolen DNR tags is an appropriate fit. However, we both know Shelley does not learn her lesson. There’ll be more hijinx in the future.

      Enjoy your snow day,
      Adam Up

      Liked by 2 people

  4. That Lowry is hilarious! BTW, I bought two new pillows last week and was afraid to remove the DNR tags lest several mimes show up at my door.
    I don’t trust The Cloud. I store my files under the sea. And I shred files I no longer need.

    Liked by 1 person

    • She’s about to get a lawyer, but he’s more interested in trading his services for her classic Volkswagen Rabit. Don’t worry about her talking. At least not as long as she’s in full regalia.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Let’s hope Shelley is careful who she picks arguments with from now on, and checks who might be looking. And I never did trust The Cloud. Enjoyed your story and intro immensely btw.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Penny. I finally finished the novel. It took several years, but at least I know what happened to the mime. Perhaps I’ll share more of the story in future posts.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I think I enjoyed your intro at least as much as the story! My husband was sharing something he read online about the zillions of zetabytes of digital data that are stored. . . .. somewhere. . . .I couldn’t follow it all. But it seems the CLOUD may be running out of space 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. They say the Cloud is secure, but nothing is secure from hackers. I’m sure there’s a lot of decomposing SPAM in there that will cause quite a stink at some point in time.


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