Airing It Out

Since getting rid of satellite TV, we’ve been watching a lot of cooking shows on PBS. These folks cook everything from mouth-watering steak to three-layer apple pies. I swear I’ve gained six pounds without lifting a fork.

This morning, I got an idea for a new cooking show starring prison inmate Benny Caruthers. It’s called ‘Benny the Meth Chef.’ He’s traveled extensively throughout the South in search of the lowest quality ingredients, and always managed to stay one step ahead of the competition. “Judges in five states rave about my cooking,” brags Benny.

If you’re new to Friday Flash Fiction, the girl wearing the Birthday Hat this week and playing Pin the Tale on the Photo is Molly Jones Wisoff-Fields. If you’d like to participate in this exercise of madness, head over to her blog for step-by-step instructions. To view the FFF Hollywood Squares Authors Block click here.

copyright - Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
copyright – Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

“What’s that smell?”

“Something’s burning in 302. A couple of Boomers live there.”

“Boomers? I’ve heard of them.”

“Yeah, their generation caused quite a stir back in the day. They held sit-ins and claimed to be about peace, love, and all that jazz. The young men burned draft cards, women burned their bras, and they burned a whole lot of grass. Now, they’re mostly gray-headed or bald, losing their vision and hearing. Listen to that music. It’s the Beatles.”

“What do you think they’re burning today?”

“Smells like cake. One of them is probably having a birthday.”








53 Comments on “Airing It Out

  1. Dear Cheech,

    What else would be playing but the Beatles? I’ll bet some of those guys wish they still had their draft cards, they’d be collectors’ items now. I love this Booming story and have but one more things to say, “Obla di obla dah, life goes on…”

    Shalom from the market place,

    Molly Jones


    • Dear Molly,
      How’s Desmond (a.k.a. – Jan)? I faintly remember going up to the draft office and registering. It was rather smoky in the car that day and I don’t know whatever became of that darned card. There was a short, burly woman working the desk. She reminded me of one of the mean German women you would see in a WWII movie. I was scared straight.


  2. You boomers are a bunch of youngsters compared with my generation. I’m about the same age as the remaining Beatles. Funny story, Russell. I’m wondering if you burned your draft card, etc. 😀 — Suzanne


  3. Who needs cake? All you need is love, especially if you’re sexy Sadie. To shock the Xers, I’d play Number 9 on loop though. 😀
    (Ahem, good story!)


  4. Bunch of no-good kids, I say. Probably left out their hearing aids and didn’t hear the oven timer buzz. I wonder what this generation will be like when they get older. They’ll probably be playing video games in their wheelchairs.


  5. “Smells like cake.” LOL Oh, that hits too close to home. Enjoyed reminiscing with the “in” crowd.


  6. One year my brother got my sister a fire extinguisher on her birthday, Russell. It’s a nice accompaniment to a Boomer’s cake. At this point in time, it’s more if a requirement when my sister celebrates her natal date.


    • I suppose your brother will make arrangements to have the fire department on stand-by at future birthdays. A good training exercise for rookie fire fighters I suppose.

      She lives on the west coast, right? Now we know what started those wildfires.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. You like to live dangerously Russell. To link Rochelle and burned cakes in the same 100 word piece is either madness or a suicide wish. 🙂


  8. Okay, here’s what is really happening.
    RiverMoonStar Wisoff-MeadowfullofFlowers is getting ready for a big date with a strange little chap with funny eyes.
    If only his writing was as comical as his face, she muses.
    She is so lost in dreams of a large Pink Pachyderm from another planet, she inadvertently sets her head aflame with her curling tongs.
    And they all live happily ever after.
    The End.


    • Now, that’s a true 60s flower child name.
      They make a fine couple in their tie-dye outfits, sandals, and peace-sign sunglasses. I could them both sitting around singing “Lucy in the Sky” if only I had my hearing aid ins.
      Hilarious comment, C E. I almost fell out of my chair laughing.


      • As another 60s icon famously said, albeit in the 70s, ‘You’re going to reap just what you sow’.
        Glad you enjoyed, Russell.


    • That’s cool. It must be nice to have your name in a song. No one ever sings about Russell, but I have heard Honie mentioned in a few.


  9. Ha, love it! What a great tribute to Molly Jones. She so loves the Beatles, too! It’s perfect. I want to tell you that in my first draft of my story I used apartment 302, too! It’s not in there anymore, but it was. 🙂 Ooh, that’s creepy, Russell!


  10. Boomers are cool!
    Great birthday story for the wonderful RWF. Up to your usual high standard, loved it Russ.


    • Watch out, she’s got a knife. Oh no! She’s cutting the cake. The icing is clinging to the blade. I can’t look any more. It’s, it’s, . . . criminal.


  11. Well, Russell – I am of that era and I’m completely Beatled out. Not one of their CDs on my shelves. Elvis, yes, and I can cook without burning it – usually. Watch where your ageist assumptions take you – the Oldies Are Watching You!


    • I wasn’t locked into Beatlemania either, more of a Rolling Stones fan. However, they did produce some songs and had a huge impact on generations to come. I can cook without burning too and like to use a lot of spices–except in cake. I’m glad the Oldies are watching (and reading) me. 🙂


  12. Well, I may not have burned my draft card but I burned the equivalent of my draft card and many, many bras under option No. 3. All of which may explain why the burning smell of my birthday cake is something I’m rather used to, despite the fact that the cake is one of the major contributors today to global warming. I’ll cut you a slice once it stops blazing.


    • Somehow I thought you’d be baking brownies with a gritty substance inside. You know, the high in fiber variety.

      I can’t believe they didn’t cast you as Corporal Klinger in MASH.


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