Category: humor

The Doctor Is In

Recently, I visited a dermatologist for a scab atop my left ear.  He told me it was an age spot—which had to be a lie. At 68, I’m much too young for those.  He took a biopsy of a different spot on my ear which came… Continue Reading “The Doctor Is In”

A Crime Against Nature

A few years ago, someone gave me a book entitled, Keep Your Brain Alive. I took this to mean the anonymous donor of this book wanted to preserve my brain in a glass jar for use in a future transplant—ala Dr. Frankenstein.  The book contains… Continue Reading “A Crime Against Nature”

Wednesday Watchers

For Christmas, my daughter bought me a wonderful book entitled, Insults Every Man Should Know. For a man who was once told he was “sharp as a marble,” I’ve found this little tome extremely handy. Here are a few of my favorites:  “You look… Continue Reading “Wednesday Watchers”

Who Names Prescription Drugs?

Have you ever wondered how prescription drugs get their names? Me neither, but now that you’ve asked, I’ll tell you. Big Pharma would have you believe the names are based on the molecular structure of the drug. This is only an inside joke to… Continue Reading “Who Names Prescription Drugs?”

High Falutin Eats

In all my years, I’ve never seen a deer cross the highway anywhere near a Deer X-ing sign. Some might argue that deer can’t read, but I think they’re just belligerent jaywalkers.  To drive home the message, the highway department should paint two lines… Continue Reading “High Falutin Eats”

The Rong Bros.

At our spring Ozarks Writers League conference, Duke Pennell noticed that some thoughtful soul had stocked the men’s bathroom with a can of air freshener aptly named Man-go. The label was somewhat worn from multiple uses, but you could still make out the name… Continue Reading “The Rong Bros.”


Yesterday I chewed the mailman out for leaving more of those darned Home Improvement magazines in our mailbox. All they do is cause trouble.  Connie can spend hours studying the photos and flagging items like child selecting presents from a Christmas catalog.  Then she’ll point… Continue Reading “Communion”

Fantasy Baseball

This week, I’ve been thinking about urban legends. You know, that modern genre of folklore where false claims or fictitious tales are circulated as true.  One of my dad’s favorites regarded the pulling of a baby tooth. “If you don’t stick your tongue in the… Continue Reading “Fantasy Baseball”

Boot Camp

This week, we got a big snow—big by Arkansas standards, anyway—and everybody and their cousins posted pictures of it on Facebook. All except my cousin Jerry, that is. If ya called him, he’d say the power was out for a couple of days.  But… Continue Reading “Boot Camp”

Day of Dysentery

A few days ago, I had a thought, which may surprise those of you who know me well.  I was writing my autobiography and came to the scene where Connie and I applied for a marriage license.  It occurred to me that this was the only… Continue Reading “Day of Dysentery”

Mandie Hines Author

Poetry, Horror, Psychological Thrillers

The Phantom Rem

Stories From Within

Lorna's Voice

Finding ways to make words sparkle

The Incoherent Ramblings Of A Moose

This is the blog of a woman who is seriously on the edge and I mean right ON the edge…no, not there… just a little bit further… further than that…no, further still…just a tiny bit more… just move slightly to the right a little…no, that’s too much…just move a tad to the left…that’s right, just there…now you’ve moved too far to the left… Damn, what part of the ‘on the edge’ do you not understand? Oh, and her matricidal boy genius, come devil spawn.

Sharing sarcasm, snark, and satire with the world...

Or the three people I guilted into reading this blog, whatever.

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple

Growing older is inevitable. Growing up is optional.


I may make you feel, but I can't make you think.


All the Blogging That's Fit To Print


Lame Adventures

A Humor Blog

Linda Vernon Humor

Stylistically Abusing Language for the Betterment of Mankind


Straight up with a twist– Because life is too short to be subtle!

Lori Ericson, Author

An author's perspective of mystery and more.

The Best Things in Life

And the worst things. And all that weird stuff in between.