Wednesday Watchers

For Christmas, my daughter bought me a wonderful book entitled, Insults Every Man Should Know. For a man who was once told he was “sharp as a marble,” I’ve found this little tome extremely handy. Here are a few of my favorites: 

“You look great in that Facebook pic. Did you learn Photoshop recently?

“Who farted? Oh wait, that was you talking, wasn’t it?”

“He does the work of three men: Larry, Curly, and Moe.”

If you have a favorite slam you’d like to share, feel free to add it in the comments.

If you’re new to Friday Flash Fiction, our hostess is the quick twitted Muggle-Wumps Wisoff-Fields.. If you’d like to participate in this exercise in madness, head over to her blog for step-by-step instructions. To view the FFF Hollywood Squares Authors Block click here.

Copyright – Peter Abbey

Minutes of The Wednesday Afternoon Voyeurs Club – 7 Feb, 2024

The club met in the Two-Way Mirror Room on Bawdy Boardwalk.

Everyone wore their traditional overcoats with the pockets cut out.

Peeping Perry called the meeting to order at 2pm.

New business consisted of watching the nude beach. Due to inclement weather, the only sun-worshipers were two mermaids, both of whom concealed their breast behind shells.

“Boy, this is lame,” Jeering Jerry snorted. “I could be home watching snow melt.”

Creepy Karen shot him the stink eye. “You sick bastard!”

Ollie Olger removed his hand from his pocket. “I’m going home.”

The meeting was adjourned at 2:05pm. 

Leering Lori, Secretary

36 Comments on “Wednesday Watchers

  1. Dear Observant Ernie,

    This meeting sounds like a must to avoid. I hate to see mermaids or mimes exploited. At any rate your story was moderately to severely funny. As for insults, one of my dear old daddy’s favorites was “You’re a sharp a matzo ball.” (softer and squishier than a marble. 😉 )

    Thanks for visiting the squares this week.

    Muggle-Wumps W(T)F

    Liked by 1 person

  2. True to form my friend. this is certainly one for any up-and-coming new book – perhaps one about mermaids 😄 As far as insults go, I have one that’s not so much an insult, but a quick quip for any annoying person: “Manducare mea bracis” – ‘Eat my shorts.’ It was commonly used by gladiators and directed towards any Roman senator who upset them.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ew.

    Anyway, I remember my dad, who was rarely funny, saying that a program he was watching was about as exciting as a mashed potato sandwich. He never understood why my sister and I giggled the whole rest of the evening.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I worked with a girl who commonly got confused by the English language. She referred to them as X-rated glasses, which were probably a lot better unless you want to view skeletons.


  4. This was a special friend of mine at Tyson’s. These come out usually every week. He has written a couple books! Love, Jeanie


  5. Pingback: Wednesday Watchers – What’s So Funny? – Vedic News BD

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