Surfboard of Denial

Friday night, we played cards with another couple. For a twist, I suggested we name our teams and add cheers or fight songs like you might hear at a high school or college sporting event.

Instead of choosing a fierce animal, bird, or renowned race of fighting people, we chose vegetables for our mascots. Ross and I were the Onions—known for our pungent odor and ability to bring our opponents to tears—while Connie and Peg decided to call their team the Beets. As the night wore on, the ladies’ became Un“Beet”able and won every game.

What rough & ready fruit or vegetable would you choose for your team mascot?

If you’re new to Friday Flash Fiction, the Kansas City Kumquat, who posts our photo prompt each week, is Mayapple Fritter Wisoff-Fields. If you’d like to participate in this exercise in madness, head over to her blog for step-by-step instructions. To view the FFF Hollywood Squares Authors Block click here.

copyright – C.E. Ayr
Who were these strangers at our class reunion? Not one resembled their image in our high school yearbook.
Gray hair, no hair, wrinkles, and beer guts had overtaken the firm, athletic physiques of my classmates—and that was just the women. The men were even more wretched and despicable.
I’d heard of people getting old, but assumed it was a matter of choice. Failing body organs and memory loss made aging like performing death-defying stunts blindfolded—or writing cursive with the wrong hand.
That night I realized not everyone is equipped to handle the trials and tribulations of old age.


44 Comments on “Surfboard of Denial

  1. Dear Onion Ring,

    This puts me in mind of the reunions Jan and I have attended. Both his and mine. We’ve decided we’re not too shabby for a couple of senile citizens. I often swim laps in the Denial River. 😉 What’s sad is we show up for those reunions to see who’s still alive. Wow, I’ve depressed myself. Hope you’re pleased with your smelly self.


    Mayapple Fritter W(T)F

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Mayapple Fritter W(T)F,

      I bet there were a lot of other Mimes in your class at Walla Walla Bing Bang. That should make for some riviting conversations. 🙂

      Nuf said,
      Onion Ring


  2. It’s funny. Many of my gang still get together and next year is our 40th (what???) high school reunion. I can tell you that a heck of a lot of ’em are still mighty fine looking…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I think I’d call my (female) team the Tomatoes!

    My 55th! high school reunion is coming up. I probably won’t go. So far away, and I don’t enjoy flying any more. Might be kind of fun to see people, though. I imagine that very few of us look much like those senior photos in the year books 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know I don’t look like my senior photo. I had hair down to my shoulders (and my hair was dark). Today, I still have lots of hair, but it’s short and all silver.


  4. I would be the common potato – unspectacular but reliable, with the ability to be turned into delicious fries!
    Let’s not talk about growing old, it’s too painful.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Can’t quite stop the march of age, and you are right not everyone handles it the same. Love the second paragraph. I would choose beet too because I love beets, I just steamed a mess of yellow and red and they are delicious, and of course it would be so fun to beet you. Oh hey, I saw a bunch of beautiful fish that had just been caught, where did you buy them?


    • I like Beets too, especially Connie.
      As to the fish, I will not, under any circumstance, reveal my source. I tell everyone who ask where I caught them, “I caught them all in the mouth.”


  6. Isn’t it strange, Russell, that everyone is showing signs of decrepitude except you and me?
    And I’m not really so sure about you…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, the fountain of youth makes excellent bath warm as long as you don’t stay in too long.
      Thanks for dropping by and your lovely comment. 🙂


  7. I didn’t really enjoy my school, and I’ve never been back. Still, I’ve met one or two former schoolmates and we’re not so dusty given it’s over forty years since we were there! I would choose rice as my vegetable…
    Fun story, Russell, in a grisly sort of way!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Aging is far more impressive than death-defying stunts! Stunts take only a few moments or hours The former, on the other hand…


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