The Night Before Yom Kippur


If you’re new to Friday Flash Fiction, it’s run by a woman who sticks a fork in an outlet every week to keep her hair curly, the permanently permed, Shirley Temple Wisoff-Fields. If you’d like to participate in this exercise in madness, head over to her blog for step-by-step instructions. To view the FFF Hollywood Squares Authors Block click here.


copyright – Dale Rogerson

Twas the night before Yom Kippur

and as sure as a bagel ain’t a donut

everyone was excited about the day of atonement

With Papa in his turtleneck

And Mama in her bunny shoes

Kicked back in their recliners like a couple of old Jews

Tomorrow they’d go to the synagogue and pray

And beg G_d to keep that evil mime away

As a further precaution, they strung up some garlic

Bought plastic gold crosses and consulted a psychic

But while they were out, their mattress tags were stolen

By that La Petite Voleuse, Shelley “Yom Kippur” Kohlen

25 Comments on “The Night Before Yom Kippur

    • Yeah, it is kind of an inside joke.
      Shelley (aka Rochelle) is the antagonist in the novel I’m writing, Criminal Mimes. Glad you still found something to chuckle about in the poem.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Dear Detective Lowry,

    All the repentance and garlic won’t keep your DNR tags safe. I have it on good authority. Shelley says to tell you leave the Apothic Crush by the door and she might think about affording you some mercy. I didn’t know you wrote poetry. Guess you decided to diVersify while on suspension. The invisible box is safe from your prying eyes. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go find that fork.
    Permanently yours and shalom to Connie and my bestie, LIza Jane,

    Shirley Temple W(T)F

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Squirrelly Temple W(T)F,

      No one will ever mistake me for Robert Browning. When I saw the garlic I figured it would lead to a bunch of vampire stories. What’s more scary than a vampire . . . a mime of course!
      The pun on di-Verse-ify made me gag. Got the invisible box in my sights right now.

      Detective Lowry

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m a tad verklempt, Russell… Usually we get a two-fer. Oh well. Thank you for not writing about vampires. As for this, it read like a nursery rhyme! Lookit you, you talented one 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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