Mesa Nerdy

I had a great exchange earlier this week with JB Hogan about historical figures using social media. Here are some sample posts.

GEORGE WASHINGTON: I chopped down Dad’s favorite cherry tree today. He was really pissed until I told him the about new set of dentures we were having made for him. Now, he thinks I’m the best son ever. – LOL

NERO: Party at the palace tonight. Togas optional. Bring your own fiddle or play mine. 🙂

HENRY VIII: My wife lost her head last night. Updated my profile from married to single (again).

If you’re new to Friday Flash Fiction, our carhop on roller skates who always delivers the good stuff is Margo Sue Ellen Wisoff-Fields. If you’d like to participate in this exercise in madness, head over to her blog for step-by-step instructions. To view the FFF Hollywood Squares Authors Block click here.

copyright - Bjorn Rudberg
copyright – Bjorn Rudberg

Hi, my name is Calvin. Aren’t you in math club?”

“Yes. I’m Leslie.” She bit her lower lip and avoided eye contact.

“Leslie. What a cool name. I can spell it on my calculator.” He flashed a buck-toothed grin and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “My friends and I have a big house off-campus. We’re having a party and I was . . . wondering if . . . you might like to come?” 

“What kind of party?”

“Pizza and video games, watch reruns of Big Bang Theory, and discuss the virtues of nanotechnology.”

“Cool, a night out with the Nerd Herd.”


My favorite nerd quote;

“It’s a lazy Saturday afternoon, there’s a couple lying naked in bed reading Encyclopedia Britannica to each other, and arguing about whether the Andromeda Galaxy is more ‘numinous’ than the Resurrection. Do they know how to have a good time, or don’t they?” – Carl Sagan

52 Comments on “Mesa Nerdy

  1. Dear Calvin,

    What girl could resist an invitation lie that? Should I bring my own fiddle? Fun stuff. I can always find myself here. Skating off now.


    Margo Sue Ellen


  2. Russell, I’d say that house looks a bit off-campus. 😀 Nerds were and are my favorite people. In fact, I married one. Being Indian, I don’t think he knew the term. Funny and well written yet again. 😀 —Susan


  3. One thing’s for sure – George Washington didn’t use Twitter. And next to Calvin, you and me look like cool …. nah, just kiddin’ ya. We still look like nerds! Funny opening, funny story, great excursion into the world of nurd-dom! Thanks, Russell.


  4. A guy who can spell a girl’s name on his calculator. What more could you ask for? The Nerd Herd is a great catchphrase too. 🙂


  5. Hey.. I have been to parties like this.. when I was doing my PhD in Physics for sure.. (and my wife has a PhD too…) sometimes when we are among physicists we can go into endless discussions about obscure physic things.. my favorite quote from the move “the Mosquito coast” : “it’s not magic – it’s science”


  6. Spelling your name on a calculator? That’s the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard. I DEMAND someone woo me in this way. I need to find me a nerd …


  7. Social media in the past (as Abe Lincoln said in his last posting about the internet being the best invention since Ex-Lax) would have worked well.

    “In deep doo-doo.” #dreyfussconvictedsendbagelswithfileinit

    “I’m a man, I don’t need to ask for directions” #columbuslefthomewithouthisgps

    “All I ate were almonds, that make me a hypocrite?” #richestfoodsourceinindiamahatma

    “I’m REALLY in deep doo-doo!” #whatsthatmakemonicasbluedress?


  8. Oh boy! This does sound like a er fun party. Real fun! I enjoyed all your quotes. Ha ha. To each his own, I suppose. That sentiment seems to be coming out of this prompt!


  9. Dear Russell – OOops! I love “The Big Bang Theory” and watch it often. Love your story and we’re nerds too – I feel most comfortable around them. Funny story and we all lived off-campus too! My son Steven (oldest) used to tell this story about all the cool people in Hollywood and their total wealth was listed in a magazine – then they had Steve Jobs and Bill Gates and then all my kids would sing “NERDS RULE! NERDS RULE! NERDS RULE!”


  10. Nerdtastically done. If only he was named Kelvin then he would be an oK person to know. Leslie just needs to beware of geeks bearing gifts.


  11. Aw, Calvin… Such an endearing little nerd! I once had a guy tell me, upon hearing I was taking Statistics, that if I ever wanted “to get together and talk statistics…” He was cute and nice and I guess I’ll never know if that was supposed to be a pick-up line or a confession of his inner nerd, but I hope Leslie gives Calvin a chance!


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