Requiem for an Idiot

This week we had a couple of inches of ice and snow. If you’ve lived below the Mason Dixon line, you know it doesn’t take much of the white stuff to paralyze our infrastructure. Closings and cancelations scrolled across the bottom of the TV screen and we were all told to stay home for the public good—unless of course you drive a beer truck (a provider of essential services).

The anxiety ran so deep they even closed the Colon & Rectal Center of NWA. That announcement was cause for consternation and created a back-up from Bentonville all the way down to Winslow. Local officials called for calm when the flow of clients began to compact and exert pressure against the back door. Hopefully, the center will reopen soon and those folks can get some much needed relief.

If you’re new to Friday Flash Fiction, welcome to our clinic. Dr. Gabriela Wisoff-Fields will see you now.  If you’d like to participate in this exercise in madness, head over to her blog for step-by-step instructions. To view the FFF  Hollywood Squares Authors Block click here.

copyright - Marie Gail Stratford
copyright – Marie Gail Stratford

“Class, can anyone tell me what we’re looking at in this slide?”

“It looks like shards of scrap metal in a clear plastic dumpster with hydrochloric acid swirling around the bottom of the container. I can’t decipher the reverse print, but it appears to be unrelated to the contents.”

“You’re close, Janet. Very close.

What we have here is the mirror image of a cross-section of a writer’s brain. Notice the occasional bright spots, or random ideas, wallowing in the deep abyss of shallow thinking, and soon to be consumed by an all-engulfing sea of confusion.”

“Ah, I’ve read his work.”


44 Comments on “Requiem for an Idiot

  1. Oh Russell, that has to be one of your best! I almost sprayed my coffee everywhere. This was definitely a shard of brilliance. You’re really on fire my friend 😀


  2. Dear Dr. Cloggim,

    Sorry about that backup in Bentonville. Snowed in parts of the KC metro today. Not a fun drive home from the orifice.

    The brain of one of my favorite authors I think.

    Brilliance fading fast here, Loved the tour.


    Dr Gabriela


    • Thank you for not asking me to bend over and cough, Dr. Gabriela. I hear we have the possibility of more snow on the way. Bad news for the Colon & Rectal Center.


  3. LOL–a writer’s brain. Perfection. Quite a back-up in the intro, things could get messy.


  4. That certainly feels like my brain these past few weeks. Take care in the snow. could see how that particular closure might place a strain on the community.


  5. Hilarious, Russell. This whole thing had me laughing out loud. 😀 We used to live in NC, so I know just what you’re referring to. Snow flake panic sets in. Also, that writer seemed familiar to me also. Of course, it could have been me on a bad day. Well done. 😀 — Suzanne


  6. Dear Russell,
    Great story! I was rather dismayed at the way this photo turned out when I took it (Sadly, it was the best of two shots.), but I’m thrilled at the way our FFs are using the ambiguity in stories this week.

    Your intro this week was featured reading at my home this morning–right after our Lenten devotional. (We can’t take ourselves too seriously, even during Lent, you see.) The reading was accompanied by some much-needed laughter, so thank you.

    All my best,
    Marie Gail


    • I trust you had a good Ash Wednesday.
      I believe it was George Carlin who said, “Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.” I’m glad it gave you a smile. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Wednesday was good–although I didn’t manage to get my ash in church. We had a Native American gathering to attend, which is something that my sister and I really enjoyed. Time to get in touch with our roots.


      • Connie and I didn’t get our ashes in church either. We had planned to, then came into some comp tickets to see Camelot at the Walton Arts Center and went there instead.


  7. That’s what happens out here with a little rain. Russell, it’s disaster all around. I can’t imagine what would happen if it snowed here. We would be closed for the season. Your story is brilliant. I found the prompt difficult. I like how you tackled this one. I think I saw rainbow colors in those glass shards after reading this. 🙂 What wonderful insight into the writer’s mind you have.


  8. Sounds like there was more backup than just inside the facility! Are you sure it wasn’t “the client’s flow” rather than “the flow of clients?” Crap! I obviously don’t know what’s going on and could even identify the writer’s brain.



  9. That’s funny, although I expected your brain to look a little more like Liberace’s. But there are plenty of bright spots and not so much abyss. I have that all engulfing sea of confusion, but nobody has ever read my work, so it doesn’t quite apply. Great job as usual!


    • Oh, Perry, don’t be so modest. Who can remember . . . er, I mean who can forget your sterling piece of literature “The Fountain of Middle-age.” I’m severely pissed that I didn’t come up with that one first. I guess I’m too young to have ever considered that topic.


  10. Very entertaining. But I’m a bit worried because not only can I identify with random ideas, shallow thinking and confusion, I can also identify with blockages of various kinds . Oh well.


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