Sideways in Paris

No intro this month—you can breathe a sigh of relief.

If you’re new to Friday Flash Fiction, the keeper of bats in the Belton belfrey who posts our photo prompt each week, is Denise “The Purple Menace” Wisoff-Fields. If you’d like to participate in this exercise in madness, head over to her blog for step-by-step instructions. To view the FFF Hollywood Squares Authors Block click here.

copyright – C.E. Ayr
Dalia Calvin and Roccella Cline were into the fashion business—big time. Sales of their line of designer clothing had reached double-digits and was threatening to climb into an area known as “the black.”
Then came the invitation.
We would be honored to exhibit your outstanding designs at our fall fashion show in Paris. Models of all sizes are available. *
This was a perfect fit. Roccella specialized in small and petite fashions, while Dalia created dazzling outfits to grace women of Amazon height.
Roccella gasped at the twenty-five-foot Eifel Tower replica. “This isn’t Paris!”
“Is too,” Dalia said. “It’s Paris, Arkansas.”

*This is the paragraph I had to cut.
Dalia fainted upon reading the news. When Dalia finally came to, two glasses of wine later, Roccella poured a glass for Dalia.




47 Comments on “Sideways in Paris

  1. Dear Vern Wang,

    No intro? I demand a refund…or at least half off the admission price. Why do these two fashion designers sound familiar? You’d think Roccella would realize there was a considerably longer distance between Paris, France and Belton, Missouri. Paris, Arkansas? Gay puree.

    Shalom and keep your distance,

    Denise “The Purple Menace” W(T)F

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Denise “the Purple Menace” W(T)F,

      How about two intros next time? With all the international travel bans on, this was the closest Paris these two dreamers could find. I wanted to work a couple “Ehs” in for Dalia, but after the word count limit forced me to drop the paragraph about wine guzzling there was still no room in the inn.

      Do you have any purple-striped overalls in big-boy size?

      Keeping my distance,
      Vern Wang.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Russell,

    Ah, Paris in the spring! I hear the city fathers are thinking of changing the Cove Lake Recreation Area name to Covid Lake….

    Don’t go swimming. Love to Connie. Stay safe.



    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for stopping by, Doug. I’ve been enjoying reading your posts and glad to hear that New Zealand is almost out of the woods. Covid Lake sounds familiar. Isn’t it a cesspool?

      Best to you and your love,


    • Paris, Arkansas is a real place. Just not a real BIG place from a well-known global perspective. Glad you enjoyed my take on Calvin & Cline, Susan.


    • It’s actually, Paris, AR, But don’t feel bad. A lot of people get us mixed up with Arizona and Alaska.
      I suspect the short one will be wearing purple striped overalls for this show.


  3. Roccela and Dalia, eh? You do need models of all sizes to properly represent. And hey, Paris, Arkansas is a start… We can only move up! Woot!

    Liked by 1 person

    • They speak Hillbillyese, which can be difficult to process for those across the pond. It sounds something like this, “That thar is some fine feed-sack dress that yung gal is waring. Awful short tho–you can still see her ankles.”

      They do have Legos, but haven’t figured out how to build an arch.


  4. Yeah, Paris, Arkansas — the only place where they had to widen the main road to put the white line down the middle. Been missing you and the stories, my friend. I guess there IS a reason for Covid-19 after all.

    Five out of five Osceolas to go with that wine.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Perhaps Shelley told you that there is a character in Criminal Mimes that shares much of your background and mannerism. He’s a cable installer who likes to think of himself as producing HBO for his customers. Theo is a hoot. I tried not to be too mean. 🙂


      • Yes, I saw it. I cracked up. It was just what I would have described someone. I have run into a LOT of people like that who you wonder HOW they even got in TV in the first place.


    • Sorry about the lack of an intro. Perhaps I’ll write two next time.
      I’m sure Milan, Missouri would welcome those two, but the town would never be the same again.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Glad you liked it. I hope you picked up that the two characters are Dale & Rochelle. They’re good buddies of mine, and I love to pick on them every chance I get.


  5. I hear they made a great movie about the place ‘The Last Time I Saw Paris, Arkansas’. Calvin and Cline should get together and form a new label Calvin Cline. A catchy name it might even work.


  6. Reblogged this on Musings on Life & Experience and commented:
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