The Rong Bros.

At our spring Ozarks Writers League conference, Duke Pennell noticed that some thoughtful soul had stocked the men’s bathroom with a can of air freshener aptly named Man-go.

The label was somewhat worn from multiple uses, but you could still make out the name of the fragrance printed over an orange sphere.  When sprayed, it filled the air with a light, fruity scent that overwhelmed whatever unpleasant odors might be wafting in the room.

Hopefully, the manufacturer doesn’t discriminate, and I can order a few cans of Lady-go for Connie.

If you’re new to Friday Flash Fiction, our hostess is that aerosol wizard Kitty Hawk Wisoff-Fields.. If you’d like to participate in this exercise in madness, head over to her blog for step-by-step instructions. To view the FFF Hollywood Squares Authors Block click here.

copyright – Liz Young

34 Comments on “The Rong Bros.

  1. Dear Yu Arso Rong,

    What can I say? I’m flushed after reading. Tanks for such an…um…er…interesting story. Let me know if you find an outlet for Lady Go.


    Kitty Hawk W(T)F

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Kitty Hawk W(T)F,

      Better flushed than letting it stew. Just letting you know that you’re not the only one who can write historical fiction (even though this is 100% fiction, it is set in a hysterical era).
      This searching for the Lady-Go.

      Yu Arso Rong


  2. Yay! The link wouldn’t work for me yesterday, but it does today.

    I laughed all the way through this, including the intro. SO glad I’ve never had to use a corncob! The outhouse was bad enough!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. OMG, Russell? What will the Wrong Brothers think of next?
    BTW our son, particularly when he was younger was quite the know-it-all. At least, he would’ve been if he knew what he was talking about. We heard a phrase once which described him so well: “Often wrong but never in doubt”. I think iit fits in well here.
    Best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

    • There’s also a classification of well-meaning folks called “Know it Some.” The individuals think they’re experts, but only know enough to be dangerous.


  4. i suppose they should have brought their invention to the Shark Tank TV show and see if one of the investors would be willing to try it for himself first before going into full production. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. If you’d known the name of the man who built and flew this plane across the English Channel in1913, you’d have been hard pushed to find a pun for Louis Bleriot!

    Liked by 1 person

    • They don’t call them the Rong Bros. for nothing.
      Thanks for the compliment. I try to post once a month, but don’t always get ‘r done.


  6. Pingback: The Rong Bros. – What’s So Funny? – Vedic News BD

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