My Adobe Hacienda

I used the title from an old Bob Wills’ song for this week’s Friday Flash Fiction. While I was at it, I raped the lyrics from another song a by popular western swing artist, through in a couple of rednecks, stirred briskly, and threw out in the hot sun to bake. 
This week’s photo by Amanda Gray. To read more stories, go to  click on the Blog tab, and follow the links.

My Adobe Hacienda

“How much further, Bubba? I ain’t seeing no ocean yet.”

“The guy said it’s remote. He called it a romantic getaway.”

Two hours later.

“Thar it is, Charlene. Our mansion in paradise.”

“Don’t look like no mansion to me. It ain’t even got no roof.”

“That’s so you can see the stars at night, Sweetie.  Look. Thar’s the Golden Gate.”

A section of wrought iron fence, painted John Deere yellow, dangled from a concrete pier.

“Let me see that deed again, Charlene. Why, I ought to shoot that singing cowboy.”

What’s a matter, honey?”

“This ain’t Arizona. It’s New Mexico!”

15 Comments on “My Adobe Hacienda

  1. LOL. Wonderful. Very creative. I especially loved the "Golden Gate." A couple of things I noticed: it seemed like they would probably be dropping the "g"s in the dialogue ("I ain't seein' no ocean yet.") and I'm guessing it would be a concrete pillar, not a pier (a pier is specific to water). I was also lost with the last line (both Arizona and New Mexico are land-locked). Did you mean California? (Where the Golden Gate Bridge is?) Or did I miss something entirely?


  2. Once again, Russell, I'm let down by lack of cultural references, but this time I can safely say it doesn't matter. This story is fantastic. A few people have gone for the husband buying something the wife didn't like, but yours is my favourite. You've given us such a rich tapestry here, through the voices, the landscape and the story. Nicely done.


  3. It's a take-off on "Ocean Front Property" by George Strait. You're right about pillar instead of pier (and probably the "g"s – although I didn't want to overdo the dialect).The holiday in the middle of the week messed my mental calendar up. I'm still not sure what day of the week it is, but I know I'm running behind.


  4. Hi Russell,Yeah, I have some oceanfront property in Oklahoma for sale. I'd make you a good deal on it. Only thing is, the ocean hasn't been there for a few hundred million years, but you have a good imagination so that shouldn't be a problem. Another good story, my friend. You show some writing prowess on this one.ron


  5. Hi Witty Russell: I'm a little late going down the long list this week. My comments weren't getting through. Madison fixed it. Well I'll be…seems your muse and my muse were looking over each other's shoulders this week.


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