Shadowbox Dancing

My fellow Fictioneer, Douglas MacIlroy, dubbed this week’s prompt “a writer’s paradise.”  Id’ have to agree. If you can’t find something to write about from all the little cubbies in this picture (or outside the box itself), you should probably consider a different creative outlet.

The thing that struck me about the photo was the diversity that each piece brings to the collection as a whole. Every piece has its own personal story. They may be heartbreaking, spooky, funny, inspirational, or have historical significance.

If you are new to Friday Flash Fiction, the curator in charge of this museum of creativity is Prof. Tatum Wisoff-Fields. To learn how to participate in this exercise of madness, head over to her blog for step-by-step instructions. To view the FFF  “Collection of Authors” click here.

copyright - Wanda Dunlop-Silverstein
copyright – Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

This year’s class picture was the froggiest of them all. Mark looked like a tadpole, Wanda a Hershey bar, and Alan a ventriloquist’s dummy. Their teacher, Mrs. Melba Dunlop-Silverstein, stood on the bottom step at the far right of the group photo. Look closely and you’ll see the end of a wooden ruler sticking out from behind her back.

The class clowns were in top form. Lester had his index finger stuck up his nose to the 2nd joint while Ronnie made an elaborate show of pulling his underwear out of his crack. 

The chalkboard sign read Creative Writing 2013.


*This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to known bloggers is purely coincidental.

25 Comments on “Shadowbox Dancing

  1. Dear Ronnie,

    I didn’t know anyone had taken the time to snap a picture of our Friday Fictioneers. Glad you took your finger out of your nose long enough to write this piece of hysteria. Once more you’ve proven yourself to be the class clown. Get that whoopee cushion off my seat and bring the joy buzzer to my desk where I can keep an eye on it.


    The Prof


  2. Dear Russell,

    My guess is you weren’t ever held back a grade (or two)…. you were sent back. I wish we had gone to that school together…and thinking about your last line, perhaps we are. Great story and perfect for that perfect prompt. Thanks for the shout out and I’ll see you in class.




  3. LMAO as I put my tie on made from loose-leaf paper, stick a couple eraser up my nose and suction a few pencil erasers to my tongue.



  4. Hi Russell,
    Well, that’s just wrong. I’d never pull my undies out of my crack. It feels good in there. That’s why I switched to thongs. I think you may have me confused with Perry. Ron


  5. My mind is practically blown by the mental imagery here… well that’s my excuse. Well done, I don’t know how you keep coming up with them.


  6. Love it! The collection reminded me of the InLinkz photo spread.,too. I’m glad you made that connection into a story. My 6th grade class picture has the coolest boy (or so I thought…) flipping the bird in an oh so subtle ( or so I thought) way. Looking at that picture still makes me laugh. Well done, Ressell. As usual.


  7. With contortionists Lester and Ronnie presiding over a tadpole, Hershey bar and ventriloquist’s dummy, perhaps the title of the class should be changed to “Creative Writhing 2013”.


  8. Russell, There’s a Principal’s Paddle with your name on it. “Ronnie” or “Russell” Both actually/ The Principal is going to need a back up judging from the shenanigans of this class! And I know, being the southern gentleman that you are, that you will step forward to take the punishment for us all.


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