The Blind Date

Halloween is upon us and the question on everyone’s lips is, “What’s up with those ‘FUN SIZE’ candy bars?” For decades, we’ve been fed the age-old mantras of size matters and bigger is better. Looks like we’ve finally come full circle—less is now more.

This is great news for those who were on the far side of the galaxy when God was dishing out physical endowments. Parts of the anatomy that were once referred to as little, too short, or small can now be classified as FUN SIZE. Those of you who are single may want to update your on-line profile.

If you’re new to Friday Flash Fiction, the leader of our Trick or Treat brigade is Howlin’ Wolf Wisoff-Fields. If you’d like to participate in this exercise in madness, head over to her blog for step-by-step instructions. To view the FFF  Hollywood Squares Authors Block click here.

copyright - Melanie Greenwood
copyright – Melanie Greenwood

Apprehension gnawed at Judi as she approached the café.

“Steve’s a great guy who loves science,” her BFF and wanna-be matchmaker, Wanda, had said.

Someone bumped into Judi from behind.

“Oops, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.” The man’s voice was deep and strong, yet friendly.

It’s my fault,” she stammered. “I shouldn’t be standing in the aisle.” The scent of his cologne wafted over her shoulder, teasing her senses.

“Are you looking for someone?”

“Yes. We’re supposed to meet here.”

“You must be Judi.” She turned, but saw no one.

Steve laughed. “Wanda didn’t tell me you were invisible. What a coincidence.”


44 Comments on “The Blind Date

  1. Ha ha! Now that’s a real blind date. Will he be able to change them back, since he’s into science and everything? Fabulous take. I’m coming up empty-handed with this one.


    • They might not want to go back. At least neither are been judged based on their looks. Empty Handed sounds like a great title to go with this prompt.


  2. Dear Steve,

    If you’re both invisible looks shouldn’t be an issue. 😉 Now that’s what I call a blind date. BTW…I used to be short now I refer to myself as FUN SIZE.


    QOD Howling Wolf


  3. Ha! An invisible pair–much like the folks in the chairs in this week’s prompt. I’m just wondering where the third guy is and whether they will discover him before or after he eats all the appetizers they order.

    Fun stuff!



  4. Russell, my husband thinks I’m crazy for sitting in my writing “clubhouse” laughing to myself but I’m not. I’m laughing not only at your fun story but the Halloween introduction. You just bring out the lighter side. Thank you. Like Rochelle I’m now FUN SIZE and find that more appealing than being short and getting shorter!


  5. I was set up on a blind date once with a guy who was actually blind. I had no idea. Funny story. I think invisibility would be an awesome super power. I too will refer to myself from now on as FUN SIZE. Happy Halloween, Russell.


    • Wow, I bet that was interesting. You need to write about it sometime. You were invisible to him. Imagine how he used his four other senses to get a mental image of you.


  6. Russell, Your mind has wandered down one of those strange winding paths again. Perhaps it was following the “less is more” people whose minds seem to have wandered also. 😀 Hilarious. The advertising companies are trying to fool us into believing that the cereal box that is only half full is actually full, etc. They can’t fool the kids at Halloween. They just go to more houses. 🙂 — Susan


    • Writing 100 word stories is a good exercise in “less is more.” Companies have been downsizing packaging for 50 years. I remember when you could buy one-pound and three-pound cans of coffee. Now, they’re each about 2/3 of that and cost four times as much. I guess that’s what marketing is all about.


  7. Suzanne said it far better than I could ever think “Your mind has wandered down one of those strange winding paths again.” A brilliant piece once more, Russell.


    • I don’t know about brilliant, but the invisibility angle was the first thing that popped in my mind when I saw the empty chairs. Imagine the possibilities?


      • much better than being a fly on the wall. Think of the secrets and truths you could learn 😀


  8. Dear Russell,

    I love the way you sprinkled clues throughout this story. They don’t have to wear clothes, do they? He should take her paint balling on their second date. Good work and Happy Halloween.




  9. You had me laughing before the story on this one. Fun Size! That’s hilarious! I think I’ve had a blind date I wished was invisible. LOL!


  10. I loved this – very funny! I was going to correct the missing noun after ‘Judi’s’ but having got to the end of the story, I guess I don’t need to!


  11. You hit it out of the park with this post, Russell! Love it! If only Kim and Kanye would follow Judi and Steve’s lead. I am sure that many people see Fun Size as an excuse to eat half the bag, or to have Too Much Fun.


  12. I’m glad another minority group is finally being acknowledged. Why should the invisible be overlooked? Good for you! Funny story too.


  13. Dear Russell, Once again, you have tickled my funny bones! You are such a hoot and this is a great story! I’m impressed! Love it – happy Halloween. Nan 🙂


  14. Well thank heaven they’re clumsy as well as invisible, or they might never had bumped into each other. Great take on the prompt and I love your new (and better) interpretation of fun size.


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