Spin Cycle

This weekend, I’ll be rubbing elbows with talented writers, editors, and publishers at the 48th Annual Ozark Creative Writers Conference in Eureka Springs.

I think I’ll go incognito and dress as Hemingway, Faulkner, or Stephen King. They seem to have grown tired of my impersonation of Jackie Collins, except for that one guy who keeps pinching my rear.

If you’re new to Friday Flash Fiction, the ring leader of our Merry-Go-Round of stories is Nell Fenwick Wisoff-Fields. If you’d like to participate in this exercise of madness, head over to her blog for step-by-step instructions. To view the FFF Hollywood Squares Authors Block click here.

copyright - Ted Strutz
copyright – Ted Strutz

Reginald Hansen twisted one end of his handlebar moustache. This had become an auto-reflex when he was deep in thought—and lately he’d been thinking a lot.

A notorious liar, his mother urged him to take advantage of his talent and sell used cars. His father, a banker, insisted he study law and become a politician.

Defying them both, Reggie ran away to join the carnival. Normally, he worked as a barker, convincing people to play for stuffed animals in a rigged game.

Tonight, he’d check another item off his bucket list. So what if it was a kiddie ride. (100 words)


What happens next? You pick the ending. Does Reggie,

  1. Tie a girl to the railroad tracks
  2. Make-out with the Bearded Lady in the Tunnel of Love
  3. Pee in someone’s popcorn

61 Comments on “Spin Cycle

  1. #3 goes with your track record of “bodily functions” in a story, so it may be the ideal choice….but #2 goes with the character 🙂 Fun story!


    • Hehe, it appears you have a built in sensor for the bodily functions in my stories. I was really leaning toward using #1, but hit the word limit. You’re right, #2 does fit the character.


  2. Dear Dudley,

    Now I’m twice as sad that I’m not able to attend the conference this year. 😥
    I go for tied the girl to the railroad track. (I’m outta here!)
    He would make a good politician at that.
    I will miss you this weekend. Give Snidley Whiplash my regards.


    Little Nell


    • Dear Nell,
      I was hoping to see you in Eureka Springs. Please stay as far from the train tracks as possible as Horse will be unavailable to save you this weekend. Snidely is reportedly heading your way.

      Your Royal Canadian Pain-in-the-rear,
      Dudley Do-no-Right


  3. Hilarious, Russell. I thought you might say, “He decided to become a writer.l” If you lie and you’re a writer it makes you a better writer, because with fiction you’re making things up anyway. Who could tell the difference. I would say that either #1 or #3 fits the character best. I’ll prorbably think of #3 every time I see buttered popcorn now. 😦 Well done. 😀 — Suzanne


    • I don’t think anyone decides to become a writer, Suzanne. It’s more of a curse.
      Right now, the popcorn ending is in the lead. Let’s see if it can hold up.


  4. What’s unusual about making out with a bearded lady? I’ve seen some of your blind dates. But I think the answer is 3) Pee in someone’s popcorn. I’m sure it tastes better than that buttery stuff they put in popcorn anyway. Think I’ll order that way from now on.


    • I think you’re going to have to fight Mick for the bearded lady. With your dating record, getting anyone to go inside the Tunnel of Love is a challenge. There are not a whole lot of blind, deaf/mute girls attending the carnival this year, so your picking are going to be slim.

      Just wait until you hear what Reggie did with the candy apples.


  5. What if he increased the spin rate of the carousel to such a speed that it forced all wallet shaped objects to be sucked into an internal spinning vortex that led to his wagon/caravan? Make it an adults only ride and ply them with sly grog before they take a ride 😉


  6. Reginald strikes me as the wanna be lover not a fighter type. So, I’ll go with choice two, Reginald in the tunnel with the bearded lady. How’s that for a game of clue(less)? I hope the conference is all it’s cracked up to be.


  7. I’d go for #2. Good thing I’m not fond of popcorn though, it’s hard to get that possibility out of my mind. Reggie has yet a career as insurance salesman ahead of him.


  8. Gotta be #2 – We’re all hanging out for the steamy follow up story, the sticky cotton candy kisses, the suggestive corn-dogs, the erotic tangling of facial hair…
    Wait…people don’t want this?
    Ah, yeah. Me either.


  9. I’ll go for #3 Russell. I think this guy is in it for kicks! #1 seems too severe for him. So #2 is my second choice. It’s the kind of thing that probably happens eventually with the carnival. Fun read. I hope you have a wonderful time at the conference!


    • It’s certainly fun to provide options and let the reader choose how they want the story to end. Originally, I was headed for number one. I could see this guy as a Snidely Whiplash character, which didn’t really fit with what I try to provide each week. The other two options provided the flexibility for a humorous twist.


  10. Is the bearded lady dressed like Jackie Collins? 😉 Beware men with handlebar mustaches at the conference, they may have an agenda! Have a great time, it sounds like fun. Great take on the prompt, as always!


    • There were a lot of romance writers at the conference, but none would confess to having a bearded lady in their novels–not even the writers with handlebar mustaches.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I don’t think the handlebar mustache goes with the railway tracks, nor with peeing – ever, so I’ll opt for making out with the bearded lady. Hope the mustache doesn’t get caught up in the beard.


  12. It’s all been said, RG. I enjoyed it immensely but I always enjoy what you write for these prompts.
    Your great … no one said that. 😁Enjoy the conference … and … have a great week !!!
    Isadora 😎


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