Plugging In

When we hear stories about a particularly heinous crime, someone will always remark, “There’s a special place in Hell for people like that.”

What exactly does that statement imply? That the vile offender will be granted an exalted position in Hades as a reward for “Excellence in Evil?” If so, where does this leave the common, everyday sinner when cast into the fires of eternal damnation?

These are today’s burning questions (pun intended). Feel free to share your views in the comments section.

If you’re new to Friday Flash Fiction, our stage director, who always manages to connect with the audience, is “Sparky” Alma Edison Wisoff-Fields. If you’d like to participate in this exercise in madness, head over to her blog for step-by-step instructions. To view the FFF  Hollywood Squares Authors Block click here.

copyright – Dale Rogerson


“I’m on the nominating committee to fill that vacancy on the board of directors.” Richard’s voice was soft and reassuring. “You’d make a great board member.”

Edith blushed and bit her lower lip to conceal an ever-widening smile. She visualized herself on the annual report cover.

“The hot tub is full,” he said.

“Sounds good, but I didn’t bring a swimsuit.”

“Neither did I.” Richard flashed an impish grin.

She removed her dress and draped it across a chair in front of the mirror. “Edith Cox, board member,” she announced to her reflection. I like the sound of that.


40 Comments on “Plugging In

  1. Dear Chairman of the Bored,

    Sounds like the meeting is going to be one for the books. As for Hell, I would think a special place would be the hottest part. Puns should always be intended. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.


    “Sparky” Alma Edison W(T)F

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear “Sparky” Alma Edison W(T)F,

      I was sure you’d say the Most Evil would be in the same penthouse reserved for those who steal Do-Not-Remove tags.

      Chairman of the Board


  2. According to Mr Dante, hell has nine circles, so it might be tricky finding a wee quiet corner to call your special place there.
    Interesting that you call your sleazy MC by his formal name, which is not how Edith will undoubtedly be referring to him quite soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Glad you noticed the formal version of his name. (referring to him by his nickname would have just appeared tacky) He’ll soon be joining a throng of other formerly-respected executives in getting a taste of Hell while still on earth.


  3. I think Edith is selling herself way short. It would take a heck of a lot more to even tempt me than a spot on a company pamphlet. A hot tub to hell has a snappy ring to it. Hilarious, Russell. 😀 — Suzanne

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I like this side of you, Russell! And honestly, both of them are out of reality… Things don’t work like that anymore. Well, that’s not true…. things still do but now there are chances for repercussions.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Whenever I hear people intone about “the special place in hell” for certain types of people, (and it has become distastefully fashionable of late), it always makes me wonder how these people can consider themselves to be so conversant with the the structure of the place they’re talking about. As for Richard… he may well shortly be acquainted with it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I wonder the same thing, Sandra. So far, no one I know has been given a guided tour and returned to give us the details.
      There are also some people who believe there are different levels of accommodation in Heaven as well. Evidently, they are reading from a different book than the one I have.


  6. Looks like Richard is getting that special place in hell (maybe the hottest tub there).

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I guess Richard is the one who gets that special place in hell (I’d assume he’d be pushed into a boiling hot tub of tar).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Penny. Actually, it is a snippet from an unfinished work (not touched in 5+ years) entitled, “Baby, It’s Cold Down Here.” It’s a story of a drastic temperature drop in Hades caused by a young woman who had previously said, “Hell will freeze over before I ever give my heart to another man.”


  8. Ew, Edith should know better even if she gets what she wants. But there’ll always be a bad taste about it. Interesting new style (experiment?) Russell.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Edith is cheapening herself. If she wants her pictures to be viewed, she’d be better off posting them on Instagram!

    You wrote a serious story this time… how unlike you! I liked it. 😊


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